Why Elden Ring Will be One of the Biggest Games of the Year

That Elden Ring will be one of 2022’s biggest games isn’t exactly a controversial statement. In fact, it’s so much of a given that it verges on being a non-statement. 

Why it will be one of the biggest games of the year is a much more interesting question though. There are a great deal of obvious reasons for that, of course, but there’s also a couple that are specific to this game, and this game only.


39 thoughts on “Why Elden Ring Will be One of the Biggest Games of the Year”

  1. Love to be complete these type of games but don't have the amount patience required it's a shame they don't have alot of accessibility options in the game to allow novices like myself to buy and complete this game I'm sure they would sell a boat load more copies

  2. im so underwhelmed by graphics nowadays. i've been playing 2d platformers recently and "metroidvanias" so im not some graphic whore, but for even one of my favorite games in recent years "Ghosts of Tsushima" i just feel like in 2022, games should be looking better than they are lol, or at least the games that are MEANT to look gorgeous like this one. it looks great dont get me wrong, but if you showed me this 4 years ago on ps4, i still wouldnt be in awe and thats saying something

  3. I am very excited for this game. But there just one thing, and it’s just a general preference. The one thing that bothers me about this game is that the characters don’t put away their weapons. They’re either carrying it over their shoulder or holding it in their hand. I know, it’s a bit silly but that’s just my preference if that could be added haha

  4. It's a game that's trying something different and I'm excited for that! Even if it's a disappointment I'll still buy it and play. Even if it's only to show I support their efforts and can't wait for their next idea

  5. The formula is not beginning to wear thin. Played the Demon's Souls remake and it was still awesome. The fans of this formula, love it for what it is. Quality of life improvements is all we want, which the DS remake gave us.

  6. I don't think the formula is wearing thin. I don't know anyone that's into these games and is tired of them. The majority of us want more of the formula. When it was apparent that Elden Ring was going to take that same tried and true formula and expand upon it I was so happy. I liked Sekiro. It's an amazing game. But the fact that you couldn't have different builds made the game fade away for me after I did a couple playthroughs.

  7. This game is going to be THE biggest game of the last several years, imo. 2022 has no other competition. BOTW2 isn't coming out this year, so really GoW is the only confirmed game that is even a remote contender. I'm also excited for Ghostwire Tokyo, and I really hope it's a big hit (even if it's a sleeper hit), but I doubt it will be near the same level as ER.


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