The BIG problem with gypsum system, how to make it fun for EVERYONE in New World

In December we’ll see the expertise and gypsum system rolled out, but it has one MAJOR problem that they need to fix. Thankfully they have time to fix it since the gear score nerf doesn’t happen until early 2022.

Want you opinion heard? Come chime in on this forum thread:

The full PTR patch notes:

00:00 Why changes are good
01:05 The problems
04:14 Aptitude isn’t viable
07:47 Avoiding making monsters fun
09:04 How to fix it
14:55 There’s time to change it
17:30 Go to forums
18:30 What makes this game great
19:25 Suggestions? Comment them

Money farming routes:
CRAZY brightwood money route:
BEST ironwood farming route:
ebonscale money farming route:
Edengrove legendary skinning spot:
skinning spot:
Weavers fen gemstone money farm:
INSANE reekwater money route:

See also:
Awesome reekwater trophy farming route:
Territory standing xp trick:
Best lifestaff void gauntlet builds:
Buy these before next patch for profit:
Devs hold firm on difficulty changes:
Dev blog on nerfs and secret changes:
Secret Zerg nerfs and more in 1.1:
Extra last second 1.1 patch notes:
Full 1.1 patch notes:
Armor that’s better than voidbent:
Cheapest way to level all crafting before patch:
Weavers fen gemstone money farm:
Legendary Tuning Orb farming route:
INSANE reekwater money route:
13k/hour skinning spot:
CRAZY brightwood money route:
BEST ironwood farming route:
Edengrove legendary skinning spot:
ebonscale money farming route:
Ultimate azoth guide:
3 fast ways to make money:
Ultimate money guide:
Gear score exploit:
How to get 600 gear score:
Housing guide:
Furnishing guide:
Skinning cheat:
Engineering cheat:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Armoring Guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:


The big problem with the expertise system in new world is that it only gives you one real option to upgrade your watermark, and that’s killing monsters. Of course if you like PvP you can also up your watermark, but if you like gathering, questing, or crafting, then you totally get excluded from the equation.

This video is really from the heart. Normally I’m here to give you guys information or guides, or news, etc. but this time I really need to share my thoughts about this whole gypsum system in New World.

It’s so sad because the system is so good for the game and is a really amazing change, but unless they address the crafters and gatherer exclusion, it’s going to lead to even more people never coming back.

At the end of the day a huge portion of the people who get on every day for years are the people who genuinely enjoy gathering resources and crafting items. I too am one of those people and to be punished for enjoying that is a big turn off to the game for me and a lot of people.

As a content creator, I will continue playing this game and keeping making videos for all of you regardless of what they do, but if they don’t include gatherers and crafters in the expertise system it’s going to be the biggest drag on the game yet.


20 thoughts on “The BIG problem with gypsum system, how to make it fun for EVERYONE in New World”

  1. Come on, the idea in this game has always behind the scene been how to enforce max in game time, not fun, not skill increase, not community, it's always been max grind in overdrive, we just didnt want to believe it. We got played as usual . . . Fix, they dont have a clue how to fix it bcs it ain't in their plan, lack of vision beyond what all the other games do, it their success stat, yeah, basically do the same old thing, it works in all the other pop games, right.

  2. I was banned after 550+ hours for cheating and I never cheated I think it was because I was almost max gear score and max furnishing max every gatherer was pretty weak id stay away from this game BIG TIME

  3. Didn't they state they wanted end gear game available via a multiple ways? Sure feels they closed off a road.
    The fact that l could do whatever l feel like that day and still 'progress' was what drew me to this game in the first place.

  4. I feel this is due to the Devs oversight, I think by saying they are making crafters and gathers quit the game is a bit of an overstatement. I have found that even when there is changes that the community does not like they will eventually will change it if we speak up enough about it. I am glad they are trying to fix the gear score system and yes it really sucks for crafters but whats to say they wont listen to feedback. I think the more appropriate title is AGS is going to make crafting and gathering suck. I totally agree with your points though, I love this game I dont think it will spell the end for me since I am going to grind the craftering either way and just show up and tell AGS that I like crafting and im not going to participate it in the way you want me to. They gather metrics so if no one is doing what they want they know to change it, just will have to suffer though this patch. Although will probably try to do all the charismas theme stuff. Good video though and glad you voice this out so AGS can see.

  5. This is exactly what i commented in a reddit post. Being to do what you want to do. But people started commenting but for what tho? Why would you want your gear score up if all you want to do is craft? These are the people who dont understand how it feels like to feel prograsion through crafting with that as an end goal.

  6. Not as well researched as your usual content, there's too much speculation that undercuts your arguments. As much as I agree with a lot of what you're saying, I'll be doublechecking everything said here with other streamers for confirmation.

  7. On top of their deceptive wordplay and flat lies, I'm wondering if they also deliberately leave the PTR's crafting stations at minimum level so the crafting changes CANT be tested. After all, if something can't be tested, can't they technically say they received no negative feedback? At this point, I genuinely can't tell if they're just completely incompetent or purposely killing off the game population.

    20 bucks says the whole gypsum system is a precursor to a MTX system. They make it stupidly restrictive and painful to farm, then offer gypsum for straight cash…

  8. Its not intended for you to level up gear score from only gathering or crafting. There are 7 different ways to get orbs. You are expected to do multiple. Technically its possible but its not optimal.

    You can technically get to 60 from just hitting trees. Its not a smart thing to do but its possible.

    Really bad take on this. Really really bad.

  9. This game is Garbage in many different ways. ALL they want is great axe hammer players one click care bear.. no skill.. MMO sand box game should have the Crafting part thei highest level takes alot of time lucky skill etc should be luck in finding recipes maybe have you have to kill things for a chance of recipes for all the types of crafting..

  10. this new system would work if they rolled it out when they added more levels and raised the gearscore from 600 – 620.
    taking progression away from the players that didn't do the stupid box grind for gear is realy stupid move.


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