Why are Men Saying NO ?

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49 thoughts on “Why are Men Saying NO ?”

  1. Women don't seem to understand basic math. For every man that has multiple women, there are an approximately equivalent number of men who have literally 0 in concordance with how many women the guy with multiple has.

  2. The girl that said she deleted her Instagram for her boyfriend guarantee she's lying. Probably just changed the name and concealed it better.

  3. I've been divorced for more than a year now and l’ve used the time to improve myself! I've lost about 170lbs and have become more athletic. Still work in progress tho. Whenever I can, I go swimming for at least 1 hour. I do all my trips by bike or on foot. I walk stairs and basically don't use elevators anymore. I have given up smoking and changed my way of life and how I live. Overall, I am in a better condition today than ever before.
    Be it physically, financially or mentally.

    Thanks to dudes like manosphere I went from being a simp to being a man!

  4. no men want to marry anyways because of the government.
    so even if women somehow came back to reality marriage is always a terrible idea for the man period.

  5. I don't know if you know this historical character, but his name was Mark Twain. And Mark Twain was a author and a humorist and he was a stand-up comedian of his time. And one of the most significant things he ever said was this: " it is easier to lie to someone than it is to tell them they have been lied to. " Think about that, cuz you're constantly saying how can these women think like this. Because they have been lied to since they were children, and they don't want to know the truth.

  6. These women are using a hypothetical situation in a marriage saying if I'm married I can't do what I want and my husband won't let me.
    Incorrect, men will help their wives become great but we will have standards and lines you can't cross.

  7. Ok so you’re saying that if your “Daughter” at some point she’s pregnant and yet, you didn’t give 2x 💩 💩 about your daughter’s consequences?? Brilliant mother thou art indeed shame on you for not teaching your daughter from right to wrong and NO BABY DADDY PRESENT???!!

    Mind blowing

  8. You do not need cuddling. I have never needed it. When my children were young I cuddled them, but did not overdo it. One should not be needing any form of affirmation through physical touch. You become dependant on the wrong thing.

  9. One of your best episodes. I'm 30 year old female and joyfully married to a truly masculine and noble man. Never been a "feminist", this agenda is so easy to see truth. Almost all of my girlfriends are over 30 now and alone and frustrated. These videos of you couldn't be more on point, this is exactly what I observe in my day to day life. Each woman eventually gets what she puts out there and what she deserve. When a woman doesn't compromise with what she knows is love, when she is honest, let's herself being loved and embraces her unburdened femininity life will send her the right man. Cheers from Switzerland, good to know there are more strong and stable man out there who stand by the truth.

  10. do you EVENTUALLY want to marry and have a family?
    – yeah, like, you know, like, i'm riding oll those dicks now like… i don't wanna you know, like… do it now…

  11. These women are all entitled that’s why they act like that. Of course they call men insecure when they have boundaries, they’re not used to men making demands, it’s all them

  12. The defining issue was answered in the first clip from Whatever. More than masculine/feminine issues, more than any other issue raised on these channels, it is the lack of willingness to compromise that is the root cause of all our problems right now. You give up some things for me to help ensure a long, happy, prosperous marriage and well-adjusted children, and I’ll do the same for you. But why should they compromise? They’re perfect 😕

  13. Childless marriage for 20+ years. Its been a challenge but it can be done. Just not with these hoochies. Fyi- met her at her job, while performing my job. No dating apps, no bars, no clubs….her job. Seems to be a correlation to where you meet them and what kind of person they are. Just sayin.

  14. It's funny how your using a clip of fresh and fit talking about family 😂 when those same guys advocate men getting vasectomy

    Their clowns bro they don't care about "family" 😂

  15. 14:11 the issue is after feminism many boys have watched their fathers get destroyed in divorces and those boys grown up are now deciding marriage is too dangerous for men. And we’re now seeing this mindset by men hitting the marriage rates welcome to it ladies it was all your fault hope you enjoy your independence until you all die.

  16. "Waiting till the man of her dreams comes along
    And he came
    And he stays
    But he leaves the next day
    So sad
    Sometimes she feels so sad"
    True in the 60's
    True now
    How do these women not get this…

  17. The first girl said she doesnt even listen to her mom and dad (which is a sin btw.) and thats exactly whats wrong in our society, she gets educated my media / singers / actors etc. which is also wanted but thats another topic.

    Older women should teach younger women
    (Tit 2:3) "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;"
    (Tit 2:4) "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,"
    (Tit 2:5) "To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."

    But instead they are getting taught the exact opposite.

    (Lev 19:29) "Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness."

    And not to listen to your man is very selfish.
    (Eph 5:24) "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."
    (Eph 5:25) "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"

    Wives are under the PROTECTION of their husbands, has nothing to do with oppression. And men should even die for their wives as Christ died for his church (all saved people, not a building). And if women would be honest then they would admit thats exactly what they really want because thats how God has designed us. If you go against Gods design you never will be truly happy in your life. Not as beta man and not as masculine woman.

    Satans tactic hasnt changed, he always attacks the woman first (garden Eden) to destroy society / humanity because she is the weaker vessel and needs protection, but today they are "freed from the bondage of men". If he can get women then families crumble and society aswell and thats exactly the goal.

    Why do women need protection ? Because they are designed to be emotional hence they get easily deceived. But its a good trait to have to support, to help, to raise children and to teach etc. But its not a good trait for leading, fighting, hunting etc. and thats why men and women complement each other in a relationship. Both roles are vital and nobody is worth more than the other, we simply have different roles and thats all.


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