Why All Americans MUST Be Prepared for April 8, 2024

On April 8, 2024, something remarkably incredible will be happening across the US, which won’t happen again for another 20+ years: a total solar eclipse. Dr. Danny R. Faulkner talks with Rob Webb about this opportunity that all Americans need to be aware of.

Here’s a website that predicts eclipses over thousands of years: https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEcat5/SEcatalog.html
Here’s a link for the detailed map of the April 8 eclipse:


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28 thoughts on “Why All Americans MUST Be Prepared for April 8, 2024”

  1. Lol who cares… People are beyond help. People would fascinated about anything that you do put on TV or hype up. They think an eclipse is rare or special… They aren't. You just have no idea. Probably all think we live on a spinning ball no less.

  2. Yeah, don't miss this event that "ALL Americans must be prepared for" says the man, posting this warning about a week AFTER the must-see event. And why "MUST" we prepare? It appears that for most Americans the event came and went without notice.

    What sort of AIG click-bate is this?

  3. What you don't know is that just like the last one crossed over 7 cities called salem. This one will cover 2 historic sites for Latter-day Saints. The Kirtland Temple and Palmyra New York, the place where the Book of Mormon was discovered.

    Interesting that this is happening right after the LDS Church reclaimed the Kirtland Temple. Also both of the paths of the eclipse make an X. This is not an accident.

  4. I saw the eclipse in 2017 Idaho Falls.
    It was cool. But people hype it way too much. I think the fact that we know it’s coming 50y in advance Is way more cooler than the eclipse itself.
    I live 190 mi west of Dallas so I will be there 4/8/24

  5. I feel that some of this eclipse information out there is incorrect. I’ve seen supposed track lines going south to north as shown here and I’ve seen so-called track lines going north west to south east across WA down to FL. What I’m led to believe is that any one who talks about this eclipse has zero knowledge of, or lying about, where it will actually happen and be seen from.

  6. Take two pieces of poster board and put a pin hole in the center of one. During the eclipse line up the pin hole so that the image on the sun comes through the hole and on to the second piece of poster board–the pin hole acts like a lens, and you will see a perfect image of the eclipsing sun projected on the second piece of poster board.

  7. It’s HERESY to predict the date, the time or the place according to God’s Words in the Bible. STOP. You live thru the last solar eclipse & so did I. Many millions of people did. Another one in 20 years or so.

  8. and the earth isn’t a spinning ball hurling through the universe at 666mph.

    It’s flat, it’s fixed and it cannot be moved.

    The stars and the moon and the sun work as a clock and spin around the earth over and over. While the earth is fixed on 4 pillars and GOD sits above the sea of glass. Nobody can break that firmament besides Jesus Christ and HE is coming to roll it back like a scroll to rapture HIS chosen Church of Philadelphia.

    Maranatha!! Jesus is coming! Don’t be left behind!

  9. The moon blocks the sun from our perspective on earth. It is accurately predictable. It is science. Any notion that this is some kind of foretelling of future events is total nonsense.

  10. When Cain went to the land of Nod and married …where did the city the people of Nod come from … God made them also Adam and Eve were the 1st we dont know of all the beings God has created thus sure there could be other beings in the Universe …why not. Possible aliens come to earth as a pilgrimage to vist the planet that Jesus gave his life for all beings in the universe. No little green men no lizard people no grays if there is aliens they would be human beings God formed us in his image so more in likely any other beings in the Universe if they exist would be human also

  11. There is nothing wrong with using welders glass to view the sun. Welders use them every day for years in their work and ultra-violet light doesn't damage their sight. There is nothing harmful in using a welders glass in the short duration of viewing a solar eclipse. Simply use the darkest shade of glass and don't look directly at the sun around the glass.

  12. Listening to people LIKE you both, it's amazing how everyone didn't think GOD abandoned us or ever existed. So limited, WHILE others suffer endlessly AND it's "NOTHING" to do WITH your heads up WITH the creation of THIS country, AND how you sound like the benefit of land lovers– vs/ and the creation of KJV.

    You need to quote more from Paul's books.


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