Who Was Hitler: Mass Murderer (1939 to 1945)

“Not six million Jude was murderer. One Jude was murdered, and that six million times” Abel Jacob Herzberg

Who Was Hitler: Mass Murderer (1939 to 1945)Who Was Adolf Hitler: Rise to Power, Euthanasia Program, Extermination of Jews, and the Fall of the Third Reich (1939 to 1945)

0:13 😱 Adolf Hitler rose to power and became one of the most powerful men of the 20th century, despite his lack of education and vocational training.

6:43 💔 The account describes the implementation of the euthanasia program and the extermination of Jews during World War II, with evidence suggesting Hitler’s involvement.

13:32 💔 The above text highlights Adolf Hitler’s statements, actions, and policies that led to the extermination of millions of Jews and Soviet prisoners of war during World War II.

18:59 😢 Adolf Hitler’s personal physician describes Hitler’s knowledge, aging, and lack of empathy towards death.

26:24 📜 The Western world’s landing attempt will fail, Hitler was part of the landing on June 6th, and there were multiple assassination attempts on him.

32:57 📢 Adolf Hitler’s radio address to the German people on January 30th, 1945, where he acknowledged that the war is lost and called on the German people to prepare for the end.

39:07 📅 The Third Reich ends on April 22, 1945 with Hitler’s capitulation.45:17: 💔 Adolf Hitler makes the decision to defend Berlin until the end, the war is lost.

50:54 💀 The death of Hitler’s organization was caused by his suicide, and he had offered himself to Germany at a time when it was longing for a new leader, formulating a doctrine based on fascism and race theory.


18 thoughts on “Who Was Hitler: Mass Murderer (1939 to 1945)”

  1. Well Belgian leader was also a mass murderer, Americans too… both slaughtered millions of Congolese and Indians.. History is always written by the winner. Even TODAY, the USA literally lies to the entire world about weapons of mass destruction, they invade Irak, slaughter millions, steal important resources, set up a puppet government, then move on to other countries..etc What about the USA blowing up Norstream pipeline, indirectly causing the biggest pollution and catastrophy the world has ever seen, it also caused massive problems for Europe, poverty, hunger, death, business foreclosure..etc yet NOT A SINGLE european nation spoke out and condemned the USA… All were silent.

    We live in a world, where MIGHT IS RIGHT. It's a fact.

  2. The slogan for many Germans in the 1920's and early 1930's was "Better Hitler than Stalin". The fear of Stalin, and the raw terror evoked by Stalin's atrocities, played a major part in Hitler's rise to power in 1933.

    We can't expect "liberals" to comprehend the role such fears played in getting most Germans to support Hitler, since "liberals" without exception love Stalin and love Communism, then and now.

  3. 1 of the biggest fools t have ever lived and so are his followers, 1 ethnic pure race? bwahahaha i bet if he did a DNA test today the day he would of find out how divers he was.

  4. The whole Bishop thing is subjective to that of other bishops. For example, after a three-hour meeting with Hitler at the Berghof in early November 1936, the influential Catholic Archbishop of Munich-Freising, Cardinal Faulhaber, a man of sharp acumen, who had often courageously criticized the Nazi attacks on the Catholic Church, went away convinced that Hitler was deeply religious. Saying:

    ‘The Reich Chancellor undoubtedly lives in belief in God,’ he noted in a confidential report. ‘He recognizes Christianity as the builder of Western culture.’

    Friedländer comments that Faulhaber seemed to agree with Hitler's points by noting Faulhaber's comments "All of this was expressed by Hitler in a moving way in his great speech at the Nuremberg Party rally."

    "Hitler discussed with Faulhaber tensions between the Church and Party: Think about all this, Cardinal, and consult with other leaders of the Church how you can support the great undertaking of National Socialism to prevent the victory of Bolshevism and how you can achieve a peaceful relationship to the state. Either National Socialism and the church are both victorious or they perish together. Rest assured, I shall do away with all these small things that stand in the way of harmonious cooperation. … I do not wish to engage in horse-trading. You know I am opposed to compromises, but let this be a last attempt."

    Germans struggle with the church isn't just with Hitler, but even with Otto, you can read about it here:


  5. The German economy could not meet the reparations bill without raising taxes, and no German government was willing to do this because it would have meant its opponents would have been able to accuse it of taxing the Germans to pay the French. Inflation was the result. In 1913 the dollar had been worth 4 paper marks; by the end of 1919 it was worth 47, by July 1922 it was 493.
    An American Dollar cost 353,000 marks in July 1923, in August four and a half million, in October 25,260 million, in December four million million, or four followed by twelve noughts.

  6. The idiotic Hitler apologetics in the comments are offensive to any educated human being…yes, Stalin murdered individuals too. So did the Christian Religion. So did the buponic plague. Apples and oranges….false analogies.

    To claim the Nazis were supporting "Socialism" because the NSDAP sported "socialist" in its name is another idiotic statement which has been debunked over and over and over again. The first political enemies murdered by the Nazis were the Comminists, the Social democrats and left leaning socialists. The word "socialist" was seen as a "pro workers" term…it had NOTHING to do with the political ideology of socialism.

    Theres many other right wing propaganda, fascist lies and conservative apologetics trying to make Hitler look like a "victim."

    Preposterous….a pathetic and shameful attempt of trying to revise history and the many thousands of personal accounts, material evidence informs of paperwork, newspapers and personal experience by journalists, jews, political prisoners, soldiers and Nazis that admitted to these crimes.

    Unfortunately this can happen anywhere and anytime….just look at the cult of Trumpism in America….Hindu nationalism in India….islamic fundamentalist theocracies…. Russia under the fascist dictator and war criminal Putin…. America and its Eugenics movement, the southern strategist neo confederate Christian Nationalists STILL spreading hate, grievance & outrage politics mixed with religious Ultranationalist hatred….the political hacks today in the US have decided to replace the hatred of jews with the gatred towards LGBTQ….

    The enemies of Liberal democracy, social democracy, secularism, modern science, liberalism etc. are STILL spreading like a metastasized Cancer….

    Their only way to gain following is to white wash their heroes, their crimes, their lies, their ideology….in the end fascism and religious fundamentalism are based on lies, hatred and corruption….and should be aggressively exposed for the cancer it is.

  7. You guys drove him & his nation mad & paid a heavy price for it. Your infiltration of his nation was your crime, but who will tell that story?
    Only his revenge on your deep state is shown in this propaganda. His crime exposed that yours may be hidden.

  8. Zeit, Betrüger, Anstiftung, Betrug, Terrororganisation, Dormster, NIS-Imitationsgruppe, Prostituierte, Drogenhandel, Mord, Psycho, Gruppe mit Geschichte

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    Zeuge von 6 Hinrichtungen


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