Mass Effect 3 – Part 2 – Mars

#masseffectlegendaryedition #masseffect2legendaryedition

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22 thoughts on “Mass Effect 3 – Part 2 – Mars”

  1. Can't rhyme the same word, eh? Tell that to Michael Franti's "Say Hey" lol
    Sorry you were so tired. I know you've been pullin' double duty with work life and home life right now.
    @5:18 "Don't Ash me"… um… that doesn't sound right, lol
    @7:23 but if he lays off them, how will he shrink his unmanageably gigantic… um, nm 😛
    Sorry for the shorter comment today. I'm watching as I'm working, which means my attention is a bit divided, but you're making my work more enjoyable 😀

    P.S. Congrats on 5k! "What?" you ask, while sitting at 4.83k. Well, given your daily rates, you're bound to hit 5k within the next 24 hours, so I'm just gonna congratulate you now!

  2. Good to see Mars is still under humankind. Also, glad to see you found Liara. It’s unfortunate that we couldn’t be a permanent companion in Mass Effect 2. Shooting is flawless in Mass Effect 3 in my opinion. In fact, overall gameplay feels way improved compared to Mass Effect 1 & 2. What’s your thoughts Mr. Ole, you still think Mass Effect 1’s gameplay is superior?……….


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