Whistleblower Tells Congress U.S. Is Concealing Program That Captures UFOs

A former intelligence official testified at a U.S. House subcommittee hearing, and claimed that the government has been covering up a longstanding defense program that collects and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and has found “nonhuman biologics” at alleged UFO crash sites.

Read more about the whistleblower’s testimony on UFOs: https://time.com/6298287/congress-ufo-hearing/

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46 thoughts on “Whistleblower Tells Congress U.S. Is Concealing Program That Captures UFOs”

  1. This is the problem with these videos. They never confirmed nor denied their existence. Just a former pilot that started questioning god’s existence and it made him mad because he saw something unexplainable. I’ll start giving a shit probably never. Aliens have always been around. No way we’re the only creatures in this endless universe

  2. If they reverse engineered ufos our technology would be eons ahead, I find this hard to be true. Whereas I do believe life our there does exist I do not believe we have the ufos or bodies of life outside our system

  3. The Disclosure Project made all of this public years ago. The reason it's being fed to the public now is because they're planning to use the alien threat to create a global government and military using this threat to justify it, real or not.

  4. Maryland’s representative Raskin wearing a “do rag” in a televised Oversight Hearing? How disrespectful of him to appear in his official capacity as a member of Congress dressed in this manner! Shame on him!

  5. Wher the hell was COREY GOODE
    He's our friggin AMBASSADOR!!
    TO ALIEN'S !! Why wasn't he asked to testify god dam it !!
    Has the world gone mad ?
    Are we to blind to see?
    Ooooh the humanities……💨

  6. Soo everyone is say aliens are here because so guy said he herd from another guy it’s true?? What’s new?? I believe aliens exist but intill I see prof there here to me this is all smoke n whistles and ppl trying to get famous

  7. Yeah it looks to me that these pilots are more like goverment speakers, that tells that something going on but no more. So that there be opposition side of this. Just give information about nothing, so that public could work with it and speculate, but without real data. Meanwhile goverment could manage to make many obstacles, to make this investication more difficult and silently shut down this topic.

  8. Lol UFOs 🤣🤣 Us government hiding the full success of Russian Special Operation in Ukraine with this story. NATO and the US failed again and ukraine doesn't exist anymore as a sovereign country. That are facts they try to hide

  9. The videos I recorded with a camera with a powerful zoom 4 years ago leave no illusions – it was U.F.O. 1000%! but I'll bring it up again because now it's taking on a completely different meaning.

    3 days in a row they appeared to me as I was cycling from my field. The first time [it was a bright, sunny day] suddenly appeared to me a powerful, bright "star" which aroused my great surprise – STAR IN DAY???!!! Instinctively, I pulled out the camera and turned it on to a powerful zoom [I think it was about x300-x400 – I couldn't even see the zoom level from excitement], the camera was very hard to adjust, my hands were shaking like jelly from the shock and emotion, but for a few seconds the camera it was fine-tuned, unfortunately I was not able [at such magnification] to keep the object in the camera lens, so it was one big "jumping of the image". In total, this object stood still for about 30 seconds, then fired, disappeared. It was an energy-physical object [in my opinion], because apart from the ball of light [masking field] there are some probes or something. Then from this closest zoom I cut out the most important fragment and slowed it down very much – to 0.4%! – creating a separate video. Videos are available on my yt channel. However, when converting to youtube, the quality of the videos deteriorated significantly.

    The next day I went for a bike walk and "they got me" when it got dark:]

    I have it all on video too, the object suddenly appeared as a "bright, big star" but the light seen with the naked eye was amazing, I've never seen anything like it, I don't even know how to describe it. I knew immediately that it was the same as yesterday, only in the evening sky. And I also managed to record this object in a similar way, which stood for about half a minute, then fired with incredible acceleration and most importantly – I RECORDED THE MOMENT OF DEPARTURE!!! [of course, the quality of the recording on such a powerful zoom leaves much to be desired, but you can see what's going on]. The object fired, leaving behind [as I would say] – A GUN OF ATOMIC LIGHT. But here ATTENTION – as soon as it fired, it disappeared from my lens and then I saw it with the naked eye as it runs with incredible speed along the horizon, and then disappears.

    On the third day it was bright and sunny – and suddenly the same! :] – I see a powerful, bright star, only bad luck that I was just behind the corn and before I left the corn, I pulled out the camera, the object disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

    All these videos are available on my you tube channel.

  10. This is all agenda 21 to keep living in this luxury 21% of the population need to be gone before 2030 covid was a try. Next going to be a fake Invasion. They are coming here for Minerals longer than That We Are existing they cool to have stopped or evolution

  11. Alot of crimes against humanity can be accomplished with unlimited tax dollars without any oversight whatsoever !!! YEP !!! Just read MK Ultra one time and you can see an endless quantity of high strangeness indeed. Congress is not a bunch of UFO curious elected representatives ! Congress has serious concerns that a treasonous criminal mafioso "military/corporate/banking" cabal chimera has usurped power that is unconstitutional and RICO quality illegal !!!

  12. You idiots are falling for the oldest political trick in the book; the switcheroo or "pay no attention to that man behind the Curtin!"

    ask yourself ONE question, WHY NOW?

    Answer, Hunter/Joe Biden. all this is for is to distract you from what they are doing and all the new evidence coming out about their corruption and you iditols are falling for it, AGAIN! If Hunters plea deal hadn't fallen apart would this story even be in the news?

    Every time there is a new "big story" ask yourself; "what are they trying to distract us from this time!"

    Every time something about the Biden crime family comes out, what do we hear from the media; "hay look we have new changes against Trump!" its a shame people today can't focus on two at once. I personally blame social media and the education system for todays lazy thinkers and non-critical-thinkers!

  13. When This Is All The Truth!!!
    It's Fact That Us Government Is On The Wrong Way Since Dekades!
    Murder Of Eye Witnesses?
    Endless Lies And Trillions Of Stolen Dollars?
    What Can Be More Wrong?
    No That Is Criminal And They Think They're Honorable People???
    I'm Really Speechles For The First Time Since More Than 30 Years!!!


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