WHICH OF YOU IS THE DICTATOR? (Secret Hitler w/ Friends)

We decided to check out Secret Hitler Again…LET THE LYING COMMENCE!
This is an Older VOD I wanted to post!
http://www.twitch.tv/Chilledchaos (Live with Among Us!)

What is Secret Hitler!
Welcome to pre-WWII Germany. In Secret Hitler, players German politicians attempting to hold a fragile Liberal government together and stem the rising tide of fascism. Watch out though – there are secret fascists among you, and someone is Secret Hitler.

At the beginning of the game, each player is secretly assigned to one of three roles: Liberal, Fascist, or Hitler. Hitler plays for the fascist team, and the fascists know who Hitler is, but most of the time Hitler does not know who his fellow fascists are. The Liberals don’t know who anyone is. The liberals win by enacting five liberal policies or killing Hitler. The fascists win by enacting six fascist policies, or if Hitler is elected chancellor late in the game. As Fascist policies are enacted, the government becomes more powerful and the President gains new powers. Even liberal players
may find themselves tempted to enact fascist policies that help them control the table and assassinate their enemies.
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34 thoughts on “WHICH OF YOU IS THE DICTATOR? (Secret Hitler w/ Friends)”

  1. I bought the physical SH game. And its one of my fav party games.
    The best match I've ever had was one where I was playing with a mix of old and new players. I explained the rules, we played a faux match and then started a real one. We were halfway through, ( I was liberal) and one of the old players (our version of Vikram essentially) mentions something about someone being a lying, snaky, lizard. To which I point out the fact that the Hitler and Faciest cards have little reptile people on them and I kid you not, the person who got Hitler, shouts in utter disbelief. "OMG HITLERS A LIZARD?????" it had us all laughing and that person was clear of suspicion and ultimately won the game.
    Honestly the best game i've been apart of, the new player (Hitler) played absolutely perfect. He had us all fooled.

  2. 20:10 i'm so fkin annoyed bro. she keeps saying Chilled doesn't want Ozza to have it while he explicitly said he's fine with Ozza having it but not Kara being the president. Which is fine from the perspective of a liberal. If Ozza gave it to Ze or Aphex like Chilled, and they gave the chancellor to Ozza, Chilled would've been fine with it (if he were a liberal). And both Ze and Aphex were, in fact, liberal as well.

    it's like nothing he can do to be not suspicious because they'll just twist his words to make him look suspicious. and yet he still wins! insane.

  3. Thing is that chilled could have been good that first round, all the cards he got and placed were truthful, kara would have gotten 3 reds too. Stop whininng about hindsight just to say i told you so when you knew nothing but a hunch. Chilled could have even been partners with ozza. Because geez kara and and a bit of Em attacking Ze is unnecessary.

  4. Kind of funny that Ozza claims we can't own guns in the UK when I got a gun shop only 1 minutes walk from my house and another one 5 minutes away, we totally can own guns here but the gun culture is less prominent.

  5. Can I just point it out, how Chilled likes joking about having a paranoia, and here we can see how he checks for several times in a few seconds, if he discards a right card – such a mood, lol. ^^

  6. Oh hey, I remember this stream. It's me, the Leo of 8:00.
    I just wanna make it clear that I arrived /after/ the start of the game (More specifically, I arrived not long before Em's card was placed in Chilled's hand) and I didn't know about the role declarations in chat (Like Em, I'm used to the blindfold method), so I had no idea they were on the same team. I used the VOD to quickly check the card being put in his hand, which is how I knew which card was his.

  7. i’m finding it hard to watch videos with kara in it. like she’s really annoying. she’s so quick to get on other people but when she does stuff it’s just a game it’s a joke it’s all fun but it’s also really annoying

  8. I'd like to remind everybody that there's no reacting. 😂

    Isn't chilled your presiden, Ze? 😂😂

    For the most part I get this game, but there are times when it goes over my head. I'd definitely love to see more of this game just to get a better understanding.


    Just take your thing outta my thing. Chilled 😮. What are you 2 doing? 😅😂

  9. 21:31 Ozza was the last elected president, so why is he getting the chancellor? Him giving Kara the presidency was a special event it doesn't rotate the previously elected cards. I don't think it mattered that much ultimately so not the biggest deal, but same issue with the previous Kara/Em presidency they rotated the cards before his special event.
    Also Kara kept talking even after she was dead.. Like Ze said, it's a social deduction game.


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