When Humans Get ANGRY, No One Can Stop Them! | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story

When Humans Get ANGRY, No One Can Stop Them! | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story

#hfy #aliens #battle #humanity #ai #scifi #stories #story #myths


2 thoughts on “When Humans Get ANGRY, No One Can Stop Them! | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story”

  1. And not even a full minute in and there is already a major breach of military protocol when a captain addresses a general by his first name. Even if they were long time friends and even if it were a naval captain and a brigadier general that would still never happen in front of the men.

    Many folks have accused many of these stories as being written by AI. I don't know the first thing about that. What I do know is that whomever (or whatever) had written this story doesn't know the first thing about the military and based on experience there is a very high likelihood that this story isn't going to get any better from here.

    I'm really sorry @Sci-Fi Guy, but I've got better things to do with my time than to keep going down the disappointment hole. Please consider running some of these stories past a vet first before publishing.


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