What's America's Russian Nuclear War Plan?

Today we’ll explore the worst-case scenario: How would the United States respond to a Russian nuclear escalation in Europe?


30 thoughts on “What's America's Russian Nuclear War Plan?”

  1. To be clear, this would never happen withought the rest of America and the word for the matter of fact burning and being dead. I think the fact people have scenario plans of how these could go down is silly because it’s gameover for everyone.

  2. This is why I think the US Federal government should use our modern communication technologies to run their operations remotely from each state and territory. One strike to DC and we are left with whichever President, Congress members, Justices happened to not be there at the time.

  3. I keep a bottle of good scotch in my trunk at all times. I get the word that the missiles are on the way and I plan to share a nice drink before the end of the world. I live right next to several primary target areas. I have no interest in surviving an attack.

  4. Here's the good news with all the extremely negative drama videos like this create.

    And it's simply this!

    Know gospel know Christ know God's perfect timing and plan.
    And then you know the politics of nations and mankind.
    No gospel no Christ, no God and you don't know the politics of nations and mankind.

    Mankind has a date with destiny!
    Know Christ and know your salvation. His namesake is salvation.

  5. Russia using using a nuke is suicidal customers the U.N will nuke they ass in minutes. US Intel is crazy cus we have bases all over the global and US trying to put military base outer space. Imagine bombing from outer space

  6. The world is too small for these attacks, yet it's astrological position is relatively safe, geological conditions vital for life & astronomical classifications are perfect on the sub-atomic basis. We must develop geographical climates are we have made humanities greatest mistake. I think I'll write and publish a book based on this comment.

  7. I doubt both side will avoid targeting counter value targets. For example, if the surviving mobile ICBM, which are tasked to attack counter value targets in the US, launching these ICBMs. The US detection system will eventually detect them & identify them, then the US will be forced to respond in kind.

  8. The deployment of small tactical nuclear war heads is possible in the near future.I think it would be contained within Ukraine and I also think it will be the beginning of negociations. Europe and tbe U.S.are not going to escalate to WW3 over Ukraine.

  9. Australia becomes the next superpower in the near future if Nuclear war occurs although it will probably be invaded by China if it does not buy enough HIMARS and Nuclear Subs.

  10. We are doomed either way. Nuclear holocaust or famine due to the climate. We are also like a cancerous tumor for our planet, displacing other life forms. Look at Chernobyl, wild animals thrive. After the nuclear war we will probably get Earth 2.0 and maybe possibly live in harmony with other species.
    We must learn to love the bomb…

  11. No one wins with a nuclear war. All leaders of each country that has nukes knows that. The leaders that launch a nuclear attack have a so called place go for safety. Their u go, they don’t care.


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