What is Calvinism? LIVE Q&A! Feb 1 w/ Pastor David Guzik

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Welcome to the weekly live Q&A with Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word Bible commentary. After our lead question, Pastor David takes questions via the live chat โ€“ simply add your questions & our moderators will arrange & deliver them to Pastor David according to theme or subject!
This week, Pastor Davidโ€™s lead question comes from Henry via email โ€“ โ€œI have to say, Iโ€™m a bit confused about Calvinism. Calvinism appears confusing and divisive. Whatโ€™s to know?โ€

๐Ÿ”Ž๐Ÿ“– Use the search function on the Enduring Word website to dig deeper into the thousands of pages of free Bible commentary, in 10+ languages: https://enduringword.com/
๐Ÿ“˜ Standing in Grace / Firmes En La Gracia / Ich Stehe Auf Gnade โ€“ David Guzikโ€™s personal work extolling the wonder and power of Godโ€™s grace in the life of believers: https://a.co/d/gaaQyta
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This weekโ€™s questions
0:00 Greetings and introduction
1:22 Lead question (see above)
15:05 Charles Spurgeon
โ€‹21:30 If Salvation is Faith alone in Christ Alone, not of works. Why do so many focus on works as if its a determining factor of our salvation?
โ€‹24:05 Donโ€™t calvinist focus on works and sin, in so far as, if someone is sinning a certain way, they question their salvation?
โ€‹24:50 Why does God strike Uzzah dead yet he was doing the right thing? Ananias and saphra are killed without mercy. In apologetics How do we defend that God is merciful presented with both scenarios?
28:45 In 1 John 5:14, did John write this to believers who had Doubts about who Jesus was and what he has done, or did he write it to give assurance to believers that they can pray to God and He will hear them only if they ask according to His will?
โ€‹30:20 In what ways does the blood of Jesus work objectively. and how can we apply it โ€œto overcome by the blood of the lamb,โ€ Revelations 12:11. โ€‹Is it OK to pray; โ€œI cover my car ,house, my city or the roads with the blood of Jesusโ€ Does the blood work that way? How should we use Jesus blood in prayer?
โ€‹34:40 Hey David, now for some time we go to a Pentecostal church. We are not growing in the faith. What should we do? Go from โ€œchurch to churchโ€ or stay at the Pentecostal church?
38:21 โ€‹How can i know i have real faith indeed, as i cant seem to overcome reoccurring doubts.
39:42 โ€‹Can you explain 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 & 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 in light of each other?
43:35 Are the demons, the people in hell, the pharisees who blasphemed the holy ghost and the ones who take the mark of the beast the only creatures that can never be redeemed?
45:30 The baptism stated in Romans 6:4, is it the baptism with the Holy Spirit that John the Baptist and Jesus told us would take place or is it the baptism rite that Christians practice?
48:48 What is our Lords name? Is he Abrahamโ€™s God, Yahweh or is he named differently?
51:42 Manassa repented his sins and God forgave him. Why then does the Bible tells us that Judah went to captivity because of the sins and bloodshed Manasseh committed?
54:30 โ€‹Do the dead know what is happening on earth?
57:15 A new church I am considering has a married lesbian couple that is open about their relationship. Is it my job to ask the pastor about this before joining? What should I do?
1:01:15 What scriptures would you use to show that belief in Once Saved Always Saved or Eternal Security is not required in order to receive Life?
1:03:24 Is it biblical that a pastor or his wife label himself or herself an Apostle?
1:04:40 โ€‹Why isnโ€™t there a gospel written by Peter?
โ€‹1:05:05 if a Christian does a sin and is going to ask for forgiveness, but dies before asking, will they still go to heaven?
โ€‹1:05:45 Why in the OT did people live longer than the people in the NT?
โ€‹1:06:40 Books such as Kings & Chronicles almost always end with the sentence โ€˜he slept with his fathers and they buried him in the city of Davidโ€™. Where is this place nowadays? are there graves there still?
1:07:16 โ€‹Who are the โ€œkings of the earthโ€ of REV 21:24? Are there people who are not living in the New Jerusalem?
1:07:57 โ€‹How do you feel about the 7 day creation event fortelling that the end of times to be about 6000 yeara after Adam, and the 7th day being the 1000 day millennium?
1:09:11 โ€‹Can a man & woman who desire to marry do so publicly in a church service but not get a license from the civil authority?
1:10:20 Regarding John 5:6, somebody was feeding him for 38 years but did not push him to the water when the Angel stirred up the water. Was that his real problem rather than his sickness?
1:11:45 David there are a few non believing co workers who I would love to invite & host bible studies with but Iโ€™m always afraid of doing something out of Gods timing, this one fear stops me from evangelizing

#biblestudy #christianity


35 thoughts on “What is Calvinism? LIVE Q&A! Feb 1 w/ Pastor David Guzik”

  1. Hi David, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention that while I do appreciate your study Bible, I have noticed that your interpretation of certain texts, such as Romans 8, 9, and Ephesians 1, suggests a belief in Augustinian predestination. However, I believe that there are better and more accurate interpretations of predestination available, which are backed by in-depth research and biblical evidence. Therefore, I strongly recommend checking out the channel "Beyond the Fundamentals" to gain a more concise and biblical view of predestination.

  2. Hi David, thank you so much for your bible commentary. Such a wonderful gift you have shared with so many. Just wanted to thank you and let you know how much I appreciate your work. Bless you, my brother.

  3. I have switched from Arminian to Calvinism and I appreciate your answer to the opening questionโ€ฆ I thought Calvinism was taboo until I started reading the Bible from cover to cover multiple times and studying the doctrine, but prior to that I always viewed the doctrine as negative. Now that I agree with it, I find that those who are vehemently opposed to the doctrine donโ€™t understand nor even care to, so they make misguided and misunderstood complaints against it. Your response is respectful and respectable.

  4. Hey David, I really liked your response to today's questions. Especially the Calvinist response. I am also a huge Spurgeon guy. Such so sometimes I think I might be a Calvinist but I realize I just want to understand the Bible best to my ability. Thank you for your dedication.

  5. I have a question and the answer๐Ÿ˜Š forgive me brothers and sisters but I truly am being sincere… Who is Awesome? Brother Guzik is!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you โค๏ธโคโค

  6. Amen.

    Thankful for the faithful that came before us. However, Apollos, Paul, Calvin, Luther I do not know – Jesus Christ alone is whom I follow and in whom I boast.
    On the side of eternity I also believe they that have gone before us would tell us Jesus is all that matters. Therefore, as God our Father says, 'listen to him.'

  7. I teach an adult Sunday school class and I always read your commentary as soon as I see what the scripture is in the lifeway quarterly that we use. As far as commentaries go yours is so unique and I absolutely love it. You are a blessing Pastor. Thank you!

  8. BLB app is the best Bible app for all the commentaries but yours is so detailed refined well organized and deeply rooted in the Biblical world view. Extremely valuable when I was writing research papers for my BA in Christian ministry. I may not agree with the Calvinist, but I sure gleaned some very deep revelations and comprehension and sanctification process. But J Calvinโ€™s doctrine was composed before the State of Israel was born in a day. In the exact day prophesied in the OT. They have to be given grace and consideration for the culture and reformation and Protestant movements with very little archeological evidence to prove the places and Bible stories actually happened like we have now. Studying Calvinism was very enlightening and taught me that the key components to the gospel and salvation is solid

  9. Here in Scotland we have many individuals who will continually talk about being Calvinist above talking about being a Christian. These individuals are puffed up and often arrogant in their approach to others. I have been asked many times what camp Iโ€™m in – my answer is Iโ€™m a born again Spirit filled Christian.
    I think it was Tozer who told a student to stay away from the debate of Calvinist vrs Armenian. He said, in three years time you will walk deeper with God while they are still in a locked room debating who is right.
    Itโ€™s okay to have an idea about what these teachings are saying, but walk with God, proclaim the name of Jesus in the power of the Spirit and with deep assurance.

  10. I am also not a Calvanist, Arminian or whatever but a Christian. I only care what Christ is saying. Paul makes the same argument (see 1 Corinthians 1). As Christians I think we should not discuss the things of God on the basis what people are saying but rather speak from Godโ€™s Word and trust that the Spirit will reveal the truth, making our request for wisdom known to God through prayer.

  11. In both cases, Ussa and Annanias and Saphira God was making a crucial statement. A snippet of what is going to happen to the freshly started body of Christ.
    God always used one as an example for the rest.
    Noah was an example
    Abraham was an example
    Moses was a great example
    David was an example
    Many biblical characters were an example for the rest.

  12. I would say you have over simplified the Anabaptists as a whole! The Anabaptists were hated on both sides! You may not have read about the "real Anabaptists." Read the Anabaptist story! William Estep

  13. Thank you my beloved Brother in Christ. My conclusion in dealing with Calvinists is this ๐Ÿ‘‰ the canonization of their doctrine. They often hold their doctrine up beside and even above scripture. There is often an inability to accept correction and they have an excuse for clearly written scripture challenging their doctrine. I want to walk in agreement with them but it is a rare thing as the Calvinist tends to only walk with another Calvinist. Almost cultish in my experience.

    Thank you for all the resources in Espaรฑol that you provide, this is a tremendous tool here in Panama on the mission field.
    Dios te bendiga mi hermano.

  14. John 8:47 KJV

    He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

    The one who hears God's words has been born of God – this is the new birth. Hearing is subsequent to the new birth and this is how faith comes – "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom 10.17). Jesus also said a man cannot see the Kingdom unless he has been born from above (John 3.3) and emphasises this again in verse 5 saying he cannot enter the Kingdom. He then tells us how one is put into that state of being receptive of the word – he must be born of the Spirit. Believing is a state of being that is God's work (Heb 12.2), (John 6.29) and reveals one is righteous before God (Gal 3.6).

  15. The Bible existed for 1200 years before we ever heard of calvinism, I doubt that calvinism is all that important. Just keep the main thing the main thing.

    I don't believe the church was all wrong before the reformation.


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