My Tom 2

”Hi -hi-hi,”giggles Lona sucha……” (”Now) you, :sucha’, hurry up are (you) going? [Whole] at place? Are you?… Do you [want] it in neck?” ”My head feels like {bursting} says one of lanky ones. ”Last [night] Donkmasovs, vaska draank whol bottles ={congnac ”}=

”l don’t understand what lie days (other) lanky [angrily], ”vrute.”

”God strike me ,it’s the truth!”
“lt’s as much a truth as that a louse coughs!”
”Hi,hi,” {[grinsLona,]} “What gay yonug [gentlemen!”]
“Pshaw,go to [😈devil!”👿] Indignantly says hump-back.
“Are you going togetonornot, you.old pest? Ls that way to drive? Use whip abit go on, devil, goon,fiveit to him well!” Lona feels at his back the little man wriggling and the tremble inhis voice. He listens to the insults hurled at him, sees the people, and little by little the feeling of loneliness leaves him. The hump-back goes on swearing until he gets mixed up in some elaborate siz – foot oath, or chokes with coughing .the landlord begin to talk about a cetanin narendra pertrovna,. Lona looks round at them several times, he waits for a temporary silence, then turning round again , he murmurs, “my son died this week.”
“We must all die,” sighs the humko -back, wiping his lips afyerr an attack of coughing,. “Now , hurry up! Gentlemen , l really cannot go any farther like this!”
“When wil he get us there?!”
“Well,jut you stimulate him a little in the neck !” ”
,”You old pest, do you hear, l’ll bone your neck for you! Of one treated the like of you with ceremony one would have to go on foot! Do you hear, old serpent gorinytch! Or do you not care a spit?”

Illimitable should insignificant alone eagerly tremendous stables lessened
Horse heart hall Porter crowd even
Troubled control
8-. Answer question based on unit-5
Unit-6 (1860-1904) russian physician, about dramatist and author who is considered
Theauthortobe among the greatest writer of short stories.


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