New World – Amazon Official Cash Shop Details

#newworld #amazon #ags
Join me in this video as we talk the official cash shop for new world, following the post they made today.

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17 thoughts on “New World – Amazon Official Cash Shop Details”

  1. Pay to play is CHEAPER than PAY TO WIN money wise. I regret not giving many Pay to play game titles like subscription based because I didn't feel like spending that much on a game. But I've already dropped over 1k on a pay to win game already in 6 months.

  2. There is one problem though if you want to play for longer period and the game becomes P2W, if you want to leave and you bought cosmetics, you lost additional money. Atleast they told us their time frame, so everyone can just play the game for what it's worth and decide if they want to spend more knowing it might become P2W

  3. I mean wow has a sub and u get nothing for this monthly fee besides gametime, instead u r getting insentiviced to buy namechange, server trans, cashmounts etc…. in a f2p game novadays u get more valeu from a battlepass than from a sub in wow , yet both models expose you to cash grab methods. So i guess if u really looking forward to a game, a cashhop wont hinder you to enjoy it, however if its for chilldren i dont know what a cashhop has to do in a game, thats kinda a twisted thing to have, i just wanna have my kid having fun.

  4. Yeah I heard that stuff back then in Destiny, in World of Warcraft, for Anthem, for Avengers and many more…
    Benefit of the doubt is a bit hard, when video game companies run amok with no rules, saying things like "Lootboxes are not gambling, they are surprise mechanics"…mhm…tell that to the NBA2k20 trailer from back then, which features slots machines and Pachinko.
    Good for you, that you are still optimistic after playing Mihoyo´s biggest cashcow, featuring the worst weapon banners/pity systems ever and games like World of Boostcraft.
    I am out, as there is still a loooooot of life left in Monster Hunter Rise, which has, guess what: still free updates coming.

  5. Giving new world the benefit of the doubt is like giving genshin the benefit of the doubt. This article is all well and good but theyve already floated the idea of boosts and rested xp and 2022 is right behind the launch of the game. They need overwhelming negative feedback about the possibility of any kind of p2w advantage to prevent them from implementing it.

  6. I'm just glad no matter how many people in the minority on yt/twitter comments yell "New World dead on arrival", the game is going to succeed quite well at least for the first year or 2.

  7. Demone with Genshin: "Guys I'm stopping any news on leaks, it too hazardous."
    Demone with New World: "I'm not sure if I can say this… Oh well here goes."
    I'm joking of course but do be careful.


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