What Character Has The Best Mario Kart Tracks?

This is a video where I rank every characters tracks in the Mario kart series. This branches from the flat 2D tracks to the newest entries from Mario kart 8.


25 thoughts on “What Character Has The Best Mario Kart Tracks?”

  1. (i will edit this comment every time i see something wrong in the video) 1:24 thats whomp, also royal raceway is peach circuit in japanese version of mk64, also daisy hills is flower themed, 16:56 skill issue, 34:28 you literally said you hate snes bowser castle 2 for it being too difficult, 40:44 wario stadium? you mean waluigi stadium? ERROR COUNT: 6

  2. Wait you should try to time trial piranha plant cove even tho you don't like it. It's one of those tracks that becomes pretty amazing with it being one of the most technical tracks in all of 8 deluxe with its many challenging shortcuts

  3. You're gonna rank DAISY HILLS higher than DAISY CRUISER? The Mushroom Cup track over the fan favorite.

    This whole list bothers me because it's all based on your opinions, so I disagree on more than a few points, I wish it could somehow be more objective

  4. Honestly, I think Royal Raceway should count as a Peach course. Its Japanese name is literally "Peach Circuit", for crying out loud! Likewise, I'm not sure if Piranha Plant Pipeline should or shouldn't count as a Piranha Plant course, since its Japanese name is "(Warp) Pipe Canyon", making it as much of a Piranha Plant course as Mushroom Bridge, Mushroom City, Shroom Ridge and Mushroom Gorge being Toad courses. If it does count, then should other courses count which have character names in different languages? Would Ice Ice Outpost count as a Toad course because its Dutch name is "Toads Poolbasis" (Toad's Polar Base)?

    It's also kinda odd that the Tour versions of certain courses, most notably the GBA courses Cheep Cheep Island and Yoshi Desert, and maybe Luigi Circuit too, aren't being mentioned at all. Considering that literally every single course in the Booster Course Pass is revamped from their Tour incarnation, I feel like had these two in particular been added to MK8, they honestly wouldn't have changed a lot from how they appear in Tour… and while Tour does a good job in modernizing these GBA courses with added elevation and assets, it also kind of has the tendency to simplify their course maps with less narrow or less tight curves (Sky Garden being the most obvious example).

  5. I really enjoy the video idea, only 11 minutes in and im very surprised by your hot takes of thinking Daisy Cruiser and GCN Luigi Circuit are bad.
    Although i do have a question, if you counted Royal Raceway in Peach's count how would she have performed? (Its weird how its not Peach Raceway, i get the alliteration, but like… its Peach's track, name it after her)

    Edit: just finished Bowser, i hope you didnt forget Neo Bowser City, not that i like it, but its the one Bowser course that isnt a Castle

  6. Only real issue I have with this is when you call a track not fun to play. Like Shy Guy Falls. You called the end clunky and the shortcut not even fun. That’s a skill issue. If you learn how to do it, it becomes crazy fun. Same for a few other courses you mentioned.

  7. This is an interesting video. I like the concept. I had a similar idea of ranking tracks by value but I feel like it's good for the base ranking to organize your opinions, but there's other factors that aren't included in the criteria that are still relevant. For example you said you think wario should get 2nd place. If you truly feel that way, he should be 2nd. It's your list based on your own subjective opinions. A tier list can't always accurately rank your enjoyment of a track compared to the other tracks. Some tracks are so amazing they should be in S+++++++++ tier but that's unrealistic for the tier format unless you manually add separate tiers. Ranking them by score does make the video more interesting I guess since there's a value to each character, I just feel like the tier list to determine a score is very limiting. I enjoyed the video. I would recommend watching shortcats guide for mario kart 8 deluxe if you're interested in getting better at the game. You might be able to have more fun on some tracks. It would be cool to do an updated list like this when the next mario kart comes out or if your opinions end up changing a lot. Also I hope you like double dash when you play it. I think it's the most unique an beautiful mario kart game


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