They Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery

20 Most Shocking Things Ever Found In Caves. Caves, intriguing and mysterious, catch people’s interest with all the deep dark historical secrets they hide. Within, one expects shiny crystals or remote rivers but instead finds ancient riddles, forgotten cave art stretching back millennia, and an amazing assortment of surprises. Come with us, as we explore the twenty most Shocking things ever found in caves..

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Scientists Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery

Scientists Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery!

Scientists Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery!


23 thoughts on “They Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery”

  1. You can't say" resuscitate " a statue, it's restore!
    Resuscitate is to bring ppl or animals back to life or a state of consciousness either by mouth to mouth resuscitation or other means! Blowing on a rock statue will definitely not restore any life to it,as it never had any!
    Restoring it,is to put it back in its original place or form!
    But,not everyone received A+ and comprehension in English and grammar!!! Like me!

  2. I’m amazed paleontologist continue to create the missing link and people believe it. Give that same skull to a forensic pathologist without any preconceived notions and it would look different.
    Besides, how do you look at a skeleton and say it has blue eyes, dark skin and hair with a simian likeness?
    If I read a few books and take some classes on guessing? Can I have a job that pays well?

  3. The cave sealed for "millions of years" just blows the shit out of the "millions of years old" theory, now doesn't it!πŸ˜‚ Skeletons with armor that's been sealed in a cave for millions of years. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    If anyone believes this shit, they'll believe anything.

  4. Your telling me the lady carrying her pocket book while inside crawling in the tomb. What is she afraid someone will steel her stuff or is she planning on buying something inside the tomb if a shop is open?


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