Weird News Stories From Around The World – Mega Strange #76

This week on Mega Strange we’re back with some weird news! We talk about mysterious missing cow tounges, bringing people back from the dead, and Canadian trunk living?


41 thoughts on “Weird News Stories From Around The World – Mega Strange #76”

  1. Very not surprised that Derrick and Shawn have fought 😂 Considering how they used talk to eachother on old episodes of the podcast and they were roomates. Glad they're still friends 🙂

  2. Big fan here and 100% say this out of love, but I really think you guys should research your topics a bit better. A lot of the stories and topics really come across like you just googled some stuff 15 minutes before recording. The show would be more interesting if you could dig into the topics a bit more!!!!

  3. I think the texas thing might be my 90 something year old great aunt, she is from newfoundland and lives in texas and might have had a hankering for cow toungue.

  4. I think yall should try out some of the newer VR stuff that's come out in the last few years, it seems like its gotten better dealing with motion sickness. I've never gotten sick from the Oculus Quest or even gotten a real headache from it. maybe its just me but from my limited experience and stuff I've heard second hand, it seems like VR has progressed pretty well when it comes to motion sickness. If VR motion sickness messes you up that much I can understand not wanting to try it again though.

  5. a really cool building thats from like ww2 in my area is a place called Super Dawg, it's a old school drive in that has 2 giant hot dogs on top that are based off of the husband and wife who opened the place like in Chicago after the war ended.


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