DSP Worried He's Being Left Behind On Elden Ring. Complains He Cant Enjoy The Memes.



49 thoughts on “DSP Worried He's Being Left Behind On Elden Ring. Complains He Cant Enjoy The Memes.”

  1. LMAO he is WAY BEHIND LMAO im almost on new game plus i just want to make sure i got everything i can going with the the stars ending then prob ash for second or prob age of order

  2. Wow DSP, its almost like video game devs dont make games for variety streamers or streamers in general. They make games for people who play them to ENJOY them. Whether thats over a course of a week, month, year w/e.

  3. Talking about memes out loud is incredibly cringe. Memes should only be discussed in chat windows while they’re being sent. Literally it’s only boomers who mention memes in voice conversations 😂 🤣

  4. This geriatric just said, unironically, he’s into his “second week of coverage” for elden ring.
    What is coverage, he’s shittily playing a video game. Also love that he’s complaining about how long it is, after hyping it for a year 🤣

  5. People with full time jobs make more progress in games than Phil. It is always surprising how slowly he gets through games being a full time gameplay streamer.

  6. It sounds like he wants everyone in the world to stop their elden ring progress until he catches up. So he try to understand the memes and try to stay up in progress to everyone else, even though he plays like 2 hours every few days.

    He’s also staying in the starting area over leveled where he may get something that will be replaced in the next area where he is appropriately leveled for.

  7. Oh he wants to shift Elden Ring to late stream so he can say there's not enough money and leave it behind before it gets too hard. Your boi Phil on top of his strategy xD

  8. Ive watched wingsofredemption get trolled all the time for a year or so now. I’ve known that dsp was a lolcow just like him but I just found out within the last week that he recorded himself on screen beating his shit. Gawwwd dayum

  9. Yeah there’s a shit ton of content in the game, I’m about 70 hours in myself and I just started exploring the Altus Plateau. But there’s no way that’s fun for a stream right? Especially when it’s DSP playing, dying all the time, talking about asses.

  10. Horizon is not the most exciting game to just watch. Combine that with the fact that it's Philly we're talking about and suddenly it's extremely boring. But hey, it flopped and I don't know why There's nothing else I could do. No wheelie

  11. lmao he called game developers retarted for releasing games at the same time……its called competition. Hes the one that begs for money to buy every single game made and then drop half of them.

  12. He can't take 5 minutes to refresh himself on where he is in a game…? It's not like he can't go look back at the stream… Tf is wrong with this person…. Edit: I can see his inability to plan ANYTHING

  13. If he would finish games before he started new ones he wouldn't have this problem. This is the same man who, less than a month ago, said "I don't have to play games day one, I could play it two years from now and be ok." If that's true than why is he trying to cram everything into his two streams? Finish a fucking game.


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