Weed Fabric Over the Whole Garden??? – 2022 Garden Update – Second Wave of Corn and Beans

We give an update on our 2022 Garden and how the weed fabric is working out. Then we went ahead and planted a few more rows of corn and beans.


6 thoughts on “Weed Fabric Over the Whole Garden??? – 2022 Garden Update – Second Wave of Corn and Beans”

  1. Lucas: are you going to let the birds get into the garden later to let them eat the bugs? There is a lady in Southern Ontario that rents her hens out for peoples vegetable gardens. They eat the grubs etc. When they are full she takes them back home.

  2. Found your video and channel on the homesteaders of Youtube Facebook page. Here to check out all of your videos. We unfortunately can use that fabric where I live…. too much wind, but your garden looks amazing!

  3. I also planted my corn in the weed barrier. I fertilized with fish emulsion with a watering can–I only have about 90 stalks. I've had to water a few times lately, but it is growing so well after I put the fish emulsion on it last week. It went from knee high to waist high.


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