"We will occupy Mars In 8 years!" – Elon Musk Delivers Inspiring Speech (NEW)

Elon Musk speech – better than Elon Musk interview

Source: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1745946082150867075


34 thoughts on “"We will occupy Mars In 8 years!" – Elon Musk Delivers Inspiring Speech (NEW)”

  1. Translation:

    In eight years he’ll still be far from it.

    He’ll say, unexpected problem. In the meantime his stock value will soar! Remain high for eight years. His ratings will do the same!

    Classic Elon MO.

  2. Is the comment section just full of Elon worshippers? I mean, even the audience in attendance didn’t believe most of what they were hearing, hence Elon having to beg for applause.

    Didn’t know the cult was still this strong.

  3. We need more people in this space Industry. I am going for that If anyone interested in this you can join.

    My another question is we need to make some money to invest in future projects. How to do that?


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