LETS TALK | Tom MacDonald – Dirty Money


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20 thoughts on “LETS TALK | Tom MacDonald – Dirty Money”

  1. The right is easy to manipulate…LOL The left has been convinced that gender isn't real…. you can just decide what yours is. Ummmm, OK? True story: my buddy is one of these people. He happens to be a straight, single man. I went out of my way to find him a possible date, a young lady, a young trans lady. For some reason, he got pissed off when he discovered she was trans. But why??? LOL

  2. Your hot take is pure ass bullshit…. Right vs Left… you miss the point – you may be the the useful idiot preaching the divide over the unity.
    We are more alike than different – Tom knows that.
    The bottom line is freedom or less freedom. Anything not that IS THE CRUMBS
    Tom can only publish this song because he’s not owned by big tech and big entertainment. Woke is broke… it is the scripture of division

  3. In Canada different doctors at federal prisons are paid for doing experimental research on inmates. If an inmate attempts to refuse they are not allowed canteen or yard or visitors. Wellbutrin (Gabapentin) was one but there are many more.

  4. A like an sub from me, sir. I like the courage and "real talk". Keep the conversations going! That's where innovation and growth starts. Unity and debate is what solves our issues. We can no longer ignore leaders who procrastinate our most concerning issues, that of which humans face at a critical level.

  5. MSNBC , CNN , ABC confirms my distrust of the "Swamp" everytime they broadcast ! "Mostly peaceful Protest" as a major fire on camera ‼ I discern Everything . The 2014 coup in Ukraine and how the west was trying to bribe Ukraine through Bayer and Monsanto agricultural arms of their corporation . MSNBC , ABC and CNN the View are the the some of the loudest Drumbeat callin for CENSORSHIP ! That's the Left ! (swamp)

  6. Now we’re outsourcing to private prison companies from places like South Africa on American soil. They supply them with their own personnel from home. In these places the guards and admin aren’t even US Nationals

  7. The reason movements from the right seem to get infiltrated more isn't because they are easily manipulated, it's because the left was already conquered decades ago so there is no need to infiltrate those groups. If the right were as easy to conquer as the left, our country would have been a complete loss years ago. It is getting closer now though because all the stops have been pulled and they don't even pretend to play by the "rules" anymore.


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