We Need To Have a Talk… *PLEASE WATCH*

I don’t know what else to do but hopefully this helps.

Cameo: http://cameo.com/rgt_85
Instagram: http://instagram.com/rgt_85
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rgt_85
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rgt85


48 thoughts on “We Need To Have a Talk… *PLEASE WATCH*”

  1. I did receive a message in the comment section of your Twitter video and I didn't respond. They were using your thumbnail image but they had like 2 followers so I knew it was fake.

  2. I paid to take part in a raffle on Twitch (from the streamer) which I won and then had to pay for shipping since it was held at the Post Office since I’m British and the raffle was American but I’m sure I didn’t get scammed because I received the items I won from raffle after I paid the Post Office the money for international shipping and many of them I still have displayed or used around my house

  3. You know what's so crazy. Just before watching this video I actually got one of those comments. I thought it was you for a sec and got happy about it. Lol. I hope it gets sorted. 🙏

  4. And theres me thinking me and RGT were having these really insightful messages between each other. He even told me about the new Stevie Richards intro upcoming. I was duped!

  5. You should rename this title if you can. I almost didn't click on it 'cause I thought it was an attention grab bait title. Maybe include "scam giveaway warning" or something?

    And I 100% agree. These people are despicable. And don't even get me started on the bad English/grammar, lol.

    Hope people see this and don't fall for it though.

  6. YouTube are hiding the messages as good as they can after the fact from what i've witnessed, via algorithms and report databases most likely. See for example all the reply sections that say 3 messages but only show 2 – that's one algorithmically hidden scammer or stuff like violent hate posts. But the problem is the reply function – it will send the initial scam reply post to the original commenter's inbox straight away. And that's something nobody can do anything against right now without simultaneously triggering another censorship conspiracy theory on the platform. The only 100% secure alternative would be forcing channels, that are victims of scam posts, to review 100% of all posts for approval before they even show up. And nobody does that when you have 50k views after just one day.

  7. Just added "Don't pay RGT for shipping" to my List of Things Not To Do On The Internet. It's right up there with buying tickets to the Fyre Festival and helping Nigerian heiress smuggle money out of the country. Thanks for the heads up!

  8. But what if he's a 260 lb , 6 foot 6 chiseled Nigerian tank named Mpembe and as this video has gone live, he watched it. He already packed his bags….

    ….And he's already looking for you.

    Waiting to give you that onsite work…

    Or he's some total dweeb with a john Stamos circa 1996 haircut in Bangalore,India.

  9. It’s definitely a problem going around in the gaming community. It’s also a damn shame that people will always fall victim these scumbags. You’re definitely doing the right thing by drawing attention to this crap.

  10. Thank you for addressing this it's happened to me twice already thank God I never sent any money the person would call me and hang up and then text me for the money for shipping

  11. This person has dug their own grave.

    Not only is he doing all this crap to steal money, but he's using the Lord's name to steal and to scam people.

    The Bible says that the Lord is not mocked, people will reap what they sow.

  12. RGT, thanks for addressing this issue which has gotten progressively worse the last couple of months. My first scammer reached out a few months ago from your channel saying I won a prize but they were using Telegram. I looked at it and knew it was bs.

  13. reminds me of a few weeks ago when one of your videos had the same comment like 15 times and all the responses were some scammy sounding onlyfans bots
    fk these scammers get a life man

  14. Hey RGT you are one of my favorite YouTubers! And now that you are on Cameo I wanted to book you. Do I need to do the $15 or $80 one. I want it for my students. I teach 6th graders and every year I have many students that want to become YouTubers or streamers. I am very supportive but I warn them it’s a difficult profession to get into and you have to have dedication and determination to succeed. I would like to book you to just let them know a few things like how many hours a day do you spend on each video, the amount spent on your set up (computer, mic, editing gear, etc). Also anything else you would like to let them know. Don’t want to book the $15 one and that be the wrong on. Keep up the amazing work!

  15. you had this even happen one of your videos and wanted me to go to a telegram link and it was "HUGE News On Zelda And Metroid Coming to Nintendo Switch In 2022!" which of course i did not go to

  16. This is a crazy situation, I even just got hit with a scammer claiming to be you for a give away just as you said. I didn't think I'd actually run into one in the comments section but you are right, they are really rampant.

  17. i almost got scammed by someone claiming to be you trying to get me to "claim" a PC prize. Naturally I didnt fall for it. I appreciate you addressing the issue. This fake wanted me to contact them on an app called telegram

  18. So because I'm a little bit older than you I actually texted what'sup to the number and a person actually texted back oh nothing really who is this. I said I think this is a scam and sorry if your not involved. I was really excited but I am glad I found out about the app a month later when my ex told me to get it because she's in Spain. I probably would have got the app but luckily I'm stupid and didn't know what it was.

  19. I only paid the guy 3 times for shipping before I remembered I had already done it & received no prize. But I also redeemed thousands in Google Play cards through him. I'm starting to wonder if I can trust him. 🤔


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