WH40k: Rogue Trader (Alpha) – Ep. 20: Miss Information

Today, we turn to a new ally for answers, only to find that getting them is a tall order. Oh, don’t get me wrong, she’s eager enough to respond – Miss Information, really – but good luck getting anything you can actually use.

Still, as fuzzy as things are, they’re all starting to come together…

00:00 A tall order. (Yrliet)
19:30 A new record. (Atilius)
36:11 Miss Information. (Vistenza)
40:55 A little fuzzy. (Event)
48:26 Outro & Special Thanks!

I’m not affiliated with Rogue Trader or Owlcat in any way (though they *were* kind enough to send me an early key). I’m just an oldschool tabletop gamer who loves story-driven CRPGs and turn-based tactical games. 🙂

You can find out more about Rogue Trader here:

And you can contact me here:
[email protected]

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Special thanks to all my Patrons who have been generous enough to help support the channel!

Raider Lords: Dragonmatrix7, Mathew Smith, and Revenant!

Raider Captain: Alois, Drakiith, EerieV23, egg, EgonAlter, Emile, Exsellsior, Gottlieb, James Trimmier, Kazorm, Mark Giemza, Nathan Welch Jr, OverlordPherom, RandomPassrby, RobbyB, Tomasz Piątkowski, Triphoppenskip, and Valinrook!

Veteran Raiders: Blaine Landowski, Bob, Dale Johnson, Dr Funkenstein, Glenn Jensen, Gresham, Icestormshadow, Indiana Smith, Jakub Kalabiński, Jas Orcblood, Jeffrey McInnes, Jeremy Wirth, kasves, killerMinnow, Lady Shayna, Laura and Mike, Michael Bain, Nerd_Prof, Neuro Lancer, Nischco, NOD Goblin Nico, Raximus Savvage, Scott Brown, Shaun Orpen, Short trek Hero, Stoltz, Terry Williams, The Link King, TheBookThief, Thomas K Arata, Valinrook, Varshoon, Vertigo322, Zarmal, and ZłyWacław!

Honorary Raiders: Adam Coles, Alexander Hochbaum, austin fagan, Benjamin Grey, BOZE77, C1s, Christian, Chronosaur, David Pascall, Dupin, Ego2, Ethan Vonderweid, Felix Christoph, flamebeard, I C U UwU, ittahbaw, James Bullock, Loolaloo, Matt Harris, Misha, Oil of Hope, Optimal 2, Peter, Porphy’s Attorney, RobH, Roman Berger, Sam Russell, Served Cold, Shawn Smith, Steve Saksa, and Totte Ahlborg!

Raiders-in-Training: 666, Adam Lacko, AN, AnotherWalk, Chai Tea, Christepher McKenney, David Stuart, David Wellman, Dawen Liang, DentonEX, Duong Nguyen, Eben Kleinhans, Emma Long, Eric Spiejers, exciting-burp, Foetwain0, Frank Barone, Gilborath, Gristoufle, Henrik Reimer, hob0tron, Jonathan Chisholm, Kris Lighthawk, Luke, Manuel Lortie, Nebojsa, Oscar van Vliet, Patricia Murray, PeteNZ, Purge, Robert Turner, Stephanie Taylor, vucrulez, and Yvreth!


30 thoughts on “WH40k: Rogue Trader (Alpha) – Ep. 20: Miss Information”

  1. Yeah, the governor is definitely up to no good. But I don't know why the Eldar helps her. She can't be too stupid to not realize that there's something off about the governor's conduct. Do you think the two might have reached an understanding somehow?

  2. Hey retcon if you want more information on the imperium the ciaphas Cain books are very good for beginners also I think ciaphas Cain would be a good example of the rogue trader you would like to play

  3. Crazed animals, mutating plants, rebels on the planet? Congrats, we have a bug problem.

    And the eldar is lying, either they themselves baited tyranids to this world by sneaking a contraband of genestealers to sacrifice it instead of their precious world ship flying by somewhere close OR they have eldar artifacts planetside that they wish to recover before abandoning the world to its fate.
    The only good eldar is a… an eldar for whom a silver knights member have vouched. And there's like 2 of those in existence:D They're not evil per say(well, dark eldar are), but there ALWAYS is a conflict of interests and in general eldar see humans as animals. Not figuratively, literally. So prepare for them to try and throw a stick for you to bring back while keeping said stick behind their back.
    Oh, and due to some unexplained War in Heaven shenanigans(and Earth likely being Maiden World lost to necrontyr and bombarded to ashes), humans and eldar see each other in the "uncanny valley" range of looks. And they're supposed to be of the same height as Astartrs in full armor ie 2+m tall, somewhere around 2.2-2.4. Though I can see that Rogue Trader, who has access to best medical facilities in the galaxy which include bionic and genetic enhancement too would probably also be quite above average in height.

  4. Well Yrilet is going to trigger 2 types of players, the first will loudly proclaim their devotion to the Emperor and purge her in holy fire, the last are heretics who will proclaim "Report to the ship immediately. We'll bang ok?" Lol. I'm personally curious to learn more about the Eldar I don't know much about them (or the Dark Eldar either), how much do they differ from the Asur and Drucchi from Fantasy?

  5. Sounds like this planet is a maiden world, basically designer planets built for future colonizing before the fall. With the addition of yrliet, I wonder how owlcat will handle traits such as unnatural agility.

  6. Does anyone else find it odd that a guy as rich as the Rogue Trader steals anything that isn't nailed down, including junk from the slums? Whilst it might make sense in some cases, it breaks immersion for me in this setting.

  7. few days ago i saw short introduction into imperium history in 20 minutes… such was title of the video. and now i see these videos from another perspective. quite interesting.

  8. The tum mon'keigh was from an ancient race semi-stupid but very powerful cannibalistic xeno race that overwhelm and subjugated a lot of eldar for a period of time hence the elder would call inferior , stupid and destructive races MON' KEIGH the name seam to suit humanity so well that now it's exclusively used for us.

  9. Interesting… yeah I'm betting on some kind of Chaos worship after that old servant committed suicide. Settlements sound like Nurgle, palace sounds like Slaneesh so Chaos Undivided?

    The Eldar Ranger is… odd though watching Heinrix predictably lose his shit was hilarious.


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