We Cannot Stop Them, Nibiru Rulers are Earthbound, this year we meet the 3rd Anunnaki in command

Fill show https://youtu.be/IMXZ1n-e8T8


23 thoughts on “We Cannot Stop Them, Nibiru Rulers are Earthbound, this year we meet the 3rd Anunnaki in command”

  1. They are here for real to,I could see there blue planet next to Venus, they have been here since just before 2015 in that position I took the pictures. The annunaki are here, and the comet big red two tails is here to, it's job maybe to churn the earth for gold.

  2. Seems to me that the few survivors of the devastation that ended the 4th age of man fooled the people who began the 5th age of man into believing they were gods . They had some never seen tech . We are in the 6th age of man

  3. Ninlil was Lilith. Adams first wife.
    She birthed the original human workers for the gold mines. Before they became viable, as at first they were sterile like miles.
    Then they modified human women to have monthly menstrual cycles, so that they could be pregnant any month and not just annually, like most animals.

  4. Okay now you must have a Hotline to Nibiru to ' Know ' all this so accurately right ?

    Either that or you're just one more Bullshitter making a couple bucks with hits on Y/T cause you're too lazy to 'EARN thy daily bread'.


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