Will Envy Steal Another Heart? – Part 1

The Tales from the Tundra continue in Season 2 – Episode 19 as the 2023 Pony Tales Trail kicks into high gear! Doug picks an awful week to come out with Nate’s bad ankle. Holes get cut into the walls of the new barn, Envy makes a play for another heart and so much more! Don’t forget our updated channel guidelines if you wish to be able to continue to watch. 😉 We hope you all enjoy the episode and thank you all for your support! We could not help so many without you all!

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Pony Tales Refuge & Rehab is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization, tax ID #47-1658095.



41 thoughts on “Will Envy Steal Another Heart? – Part 1”

  1. Building new areas or improving existing areas is always exciting! The concrete looks great!! Did you put a date in one of the corners?? Would have been great as a reminder of when it was put in. But that’s just me…..looks great! So excited for you guys!! 😃😃❤️❤️

  2. I want Envy SO badly, she reminds me of midnight my Percheron X QH that I lost last October! My life is SO empty without him. Him my GSD were my ROCKS through my divorce & I lost her a month ago 😢 my life is SO empty without them 😞 but unfortunately I’m in Australia so a bit far to adopt a horse 😢
    PLEASE keep her Cindy cos I hate the thought of not seeing her anymore 😫

  3. What a beautiful place you have!! Wonderful how Nate's family is so close and the neighbors are great too it seems! You certainly have some gorgeous horses; I'm jealous (and a bit too old 😁 at 76). I just watch and drool! Oh, how I wish for another chance at this life; you are all blessed and so lucky. 🥲🫂😂 Keep up the good work and the videos! God bless!

  4. Wow that was so great, I wanted to come , what an amazing trail , and awesome to hear about whose properties they where and your connections to these people , must be awesome to have grown up in that community, oh u have to keep Envy, she is so gorgeous, loved her from the beginning ❤❤❤

  5. Great episode! THANK YOU to all their family, friends, neighbors, businesses, & community that have helped the Princes & PT become established & grow. 💗🏆
    This country needs more like PT to eradicate that pipeline & help get the horse over population under control!

  6. What a brilliant episode- thank you for giving us this glimpse of your community and history and family and neighbours. You’re so steeped in farming community and team work. Fabulous! I’ll be watching this many times I think….

  7. My husband and I own and run a sawmill we live in Otis Massachusetts. The sawmill was handed down to my husband from his grandfather. I just love the story and the history that comes with the sawmill. Love your videos

  8. What a great event! A lot of work and Organisation. Love the signs you put up, with info on who’s Land they were trekking on. You are so fortunate to have such great neighbors, but not forgetting, it’s you guys being so great to everyone just as much as vise versa.
    Ghee, so many people took part with the trek – such an awesome idea and the countryside is breathtaking.
    I went on such a trek as I was young in NZ – I loved every minute of it.
    Will be exciting to see Nate on Envy. I love Envy – she is such a big girl. She had terrible problems way back, but you guys were always there for her, having the patience of an Angel. Being so wonderful to her. She has come such a long way since then. I am so happy to see her moving around without pain, all healed up – that was a mammoth job you took on. I am so thankful.You all did an amazing job with her. I really hope Nate gets on well riding Envy. I‘m sure he has a great connection with her. I would just love it if Nate were to say, let’s keep her🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. That would be so awesome because she truely belongs with you all. She is living proof of how great you all are at Pony Tales, what you have accomplished.
    You have come a long way since taking the horses through the car repair garage lol. Amazing how strong your love and determination was, in making things right and happening surely but slowly building up your rescue to what it is today – you can be so proud of yourselves. You have a fantastic team and everyone works so harmoniously together. It’s fantastic, just fantastic! ❤️

  9. Cheers to the best neighbors ever that live next to Pony Tales and to their graciously donated beautiful trails for this event ( and for the back story for each neighbor and how they are always there with a helping hand when needed!) 🤗. This trail ride 🏇 and entire day looked like soooooo much fun!
    Congratulations on the quarantine barn and overhang. .it will be perfect when complete to welcome new horses in!
    I love watching all of you..I wish you weren't soooo far away from where I live!

  10. Oh my gosh! Such a wonderful episode. I absolutely loved that you followed all the happenings at Pony Tails and shared so much of it Such a huge task putting together the trail ride. Cindy, you all worked so hard to put on a large event and I hope it was a real success. Marissa your skills at putting together episodes is awesome. Keep sharing I am a huge fan.

  11. Amazing episode! I really enjoyed hearing about all the amazing neighbors and your history with them/their support. It was very touching! And to see the riders and horses of the trail. The Frisien Stud sure is stunning! It was also nice to see some horses rescued previously. 😊 I really hope Nate was able to ride again!

  12. I am gobsmacked. Quite a first for me! This video was ABSOLUTEY A.W.E.S.O.M.E.N.E.S.S from start to finish. Incredible all these beauties on the trail ride. Seeing Envy again. I so so so hope Nate has theee best time ever and Envy is his. What STUNNING STUNNING equines, my word! Eye candy for sure. Well done guys. You outdid yourselves again. Thank you. Cant wait for Part 2 x

  13. I love watching all of your videos but, I've been meaning to say something about how much I love Nate and what a good man he is. There, I finally said it.❤

  14. Another amazing episode! Wasp nest: go at night wth blue light. Put bucket over nest (from bottom) and cut off with wide putty knife, sod edger or we’d saw. Put in 5 gallon bucket with a hole in lid (with stopper) and fill with water using hose on high power. Then replace stopper. Afterward, go to former site of attachment on tree. If stragglers remaking nest use small container (in place of bucket) and repeat steps. The smaller number can released elsewhere, with good success if site of attachment is swabbed with tea tree or other repellent essential oil. Make sure to wear coveralls, with tucked socks and hat for removing large nests. Their stings are nasty and they can sting repeatedly, unlike honeybees. Their dormant state at night can usually be used, unless unusually aggressive. 
    Consult extension college or university extension office for community advice, if ANY doubts or consult experienced pest control if concerned about allergies.

  15. Thank you for letting me see this. It was so great. And all you have done to make this happend. Im so glad you have so much wonderful neighbours. Thats so important. And the signs that you and Nate put up and hear him talk about his family. Cant wait for the next episode. You are the best.


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