Watch: Putin attends Russia's Victory Day parade on Red Square | Telegraph Commentary

Vladmir Putin has said that Russia must defend itself from ‘”international terrorism” as he blamed the West for sparking war in Ukraine in his annual Victory Day speech.

The Russian president said a “real war has been unleashed against Russia” adding that the war in Ukraine has placed the global community “at a breaking point”.

He said: “We have to defend ourselves against international terrorism.

“A real war has been unleashed against Russia.”

Watch above for live commentary from Dominic Nicholls, Associate Editor at the Telegraph, and Aliona Hlivco, former MP in Ukraine.

#russia #putin #ukraine

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42 thoughts on “Watch: Putin attends Russia's Victory Day parade on Red Square | Telegraph Commentary”

  1. Cuenta la historia que Atila, los hunos y vándalos, cuando asolaban a Europa, se ufanaban con la siguiente frase "Bajo nuestras botas no crece hierba alguna". Hoy, sus descendientes, representados en este ejército de marionetas "caras torcidas", desfilan siempre con las mismas y vandálicas botas invasoras y amenazando siempre al mundo occidental. 👥🌐👥

  2. When little modern military equipment is on parade: "Ahahahahaha! Everything in Ukraine has already been destroyed!"
    When there is a lot of modern military equipment: "Show-offs! They took everything from the front just to show a nice parade!"

    As a Russian patriot, I still prefer the parade that was held. All the most modern equipment is now needed at the front, not on the pavement of Red Square.

  3. Your job was to translate exctly what the man says. So we can understand the inner reasoning of the man. So we as the public can make our own informed interpretation of his state of mind but ur Cynicism of what he is saying regardless of whether he is right or wrong clearly shows the world we live in today that only we are right and the rest are always wrong and as such ignore and demonise what others say. That kind of mindset is going to be our down fall. Clearly the man is evil for what he has done to UKRAINE but let viewers make that assumption on their own by translating word by word he says. Thats what objective media does .

  4. Clearly Putin will do anything it takes to retain power, sooner or later it will implode, and good riddance. Pity the present scrutiny on him wasn't applied to Bush and Blair, when they decided to invade Iraq.

  5. 所以這些視頻內容、法輪功的媒體自媒人不會揭露、親共的台灣自媒體也不會告訴世界、中共做的事。


    什麼中亞會議根本就沒有必要開了! 一個俄羅斯普丁的共犯– 中國共產黨、在世界各地到處製造病毒擴散和採礦採油製造環境污染問題、憑什麼可以加入什麼會議?國際安全組織聯盟治裁普丁也包括習近平吧?

  6. What can one expect from The Telegraph other than rubbish. The real cancer of humanity isn’t Russia, it is the UK. Listening to these two clowns criticizing this event and what president Putin is saying makes me want to vomit. The woman must be from Ukraine, judging for contempt in her comments. Interesting how she does not translates but kinda puts her own spin on what is being said.

  7. Россияне, россияне, мои россияне, Храбрый народ ‒ да вот, боитесь власти! Что же вы стреляли в самолёт по пьяни? Готовы мир рвать за дым на части!


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