Warcraft's STUPIDEST Dragon

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50 thoughts on “Warcraft's STUPIDEST Dragon”

  1. ehh..yhee… look this was sort of interesting when taken in its original classic form… but when i passed by the 'official' retail version of it years ago now… urgh.. :/ soding 'main character' syndrom crap or such thing is all my mind can dredge up as opinion… I swear activizz over a decade is like its intentionally decided to flay all understanding of customer rights and product strengths and still be surprised the only ones that enjoys retail are the pay to 'win' whales….or the math that , 10 000 whales make lees cash then 10 MILLION monthly subs.. and whales in all honesty ,wtf do they even bother playing a mmo ?

    also..uhm… wasent the thing with pandaria that the black prince actually never did support either faction ? just..saying he did to play them out agenst each other while siphoning resources to whom ever make the strongest tyrant and stack the deck of the 'uber mercs' the player is supposed to be part of in favor of that tyrant ? :/ so if your horde…its garrosh , as some select dialog exposes ohh it was the prince that tiped him on some things etc… and same time support alliance to ensure no pockets of resistance remained etc and vice verse..

    heh… though ''a year to take thunderbluff but the rest would caved'' XD ….right whom ever wrote that crap hadent cheeked up on the lore of the recent past.. another year and giant losses ? ..specially of the more 'honour & symbiose' related members of zee horde ? …so many corpses just waiting for someone to make use of em.. and the voices that say they rather die then resort to such ..arts… going more quiet with each corpse ^^

    and yes in the flip side if that hade been properly outlined.. yhee , stormwind taken and 'only a year of loses yada' to take the giant hippie tree…. once agen lots of coprses all over but also the azerothian sea is ment to have tons of iland chains and more places like pandaria or that soding giant turtle!! ….and as the alliance major land holdings is overun the fleet just become stronger ,and sure horde could easely protect its harbours considering the fantasy ease it is in that world to bypass the whole ''need calm! & time'' for giant fortifications but more ? as occupation to pacify territories and develop ther infrastructure etc or have them become manpower drains ? …no the now veteran boosted alliance fleets would rule the waves.. and get locked in a endless attrition battle with its wealth just as they be if horde been 'destroyed' …and now the continents where roamed by legions of forsaken and undead..

    just …urgh… wow supposed lore after classic so diseased with main character and other dnd coined 'syndroms' crap….

    if taking the pandaria moment of the lore and having that the prince WANTED endless attrition war.. while at the same time loathing it , for the reason of positive being , constant hardning of manpower into veterans etc… and negatives , so much suffering for those caught in the middle etc.. that could been something.. but all for to be allies in dire situations to be ther sharpest..

    argh!…ffs! wow hade such promise as a forgiving open world rpgmmo…and even more as a lan drop in drop out potential for both lore and world ambiance.. instead.. urgh.. retail TRASH! ITS WHAT IE BECOMES WHEN YOU MAKE EXPANSIONS AND BRAIN STORM NOT WORLD EXPANDING BUT THREATS BASED ON NEED FOR NEW QUATER SALES!

  2. I'm still not over my anger at blizzard for having removed the ENTIRE story of Wrathion in MOP while they still let every legendary quests from cata to BFA up.
    And now I'm also angry after his implication in the 3rd invasion that he was nowhere to be seen during the whole expansion EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO INCLUDE HIM.

  3. I’m rather late to the game in literally every way, but it sounds like Blizzard realized how badly they messed up with depicting Wrathion as this well intentioned extremist with a plan by making the plan blow up and lead to the death of beloved characters like Varian, and so did a course correction to depict him as he is by the end of BFA. Do I have that about summed up?

  4. I had no idea warthion was involved in Garrosh escape, the bronze dragon and piecing together what happened is a small quest in WoD Nagrand, but don't think he was mentioned at all, just that bronze dragon took garrosh there and got killed.
    10/10 storyline, just like sylvanases many arcs and personalities.

  5. Just watching that Rogue Player just move like a silent, hallow drone just following mindless orders and watching from the sidelines just is perfectly hilarious.

    I was cracking up laughing watching this. Honestly, it's our characters in a nutshell on a PvE server, they either just don't care and want the loot or maybe our characters do care about the choices and quests we are given but not allowed to question it.

  6. Wrathion did the best that he could with the knowledge he had. He didn't know who he could trust.
    After both the Horde and Alliance failed to provide him with a dominant leader, he decided to create his own army to fight the legion. (Kinda like Illidan tried to take on the legion during bc.)

  7. To be fair, his role model wasn't that bright either…….
    Deathwing: "I'm going to start a cataclysm, and then another! But instead of doing it immediately while both sides are repairing the damages the first Cataclysm caused, I'll wait 1 or 2 years for them to recover and empower themselves, just to ensure my victory since nothing can stop me! Except those time-traveling dragons, but what can a bit of time travel possibly do?! Mwahahahahaaaaa!!!"

  8. Old Gods: oh craps, this black dragon ain't under our influence, it could be problematic in the long run…
    Old Gods: Why did we ever bother corrupting them in the first place? They're so incompetent they literally do the job for us.

  9. I don't know Wrathion seems like the smartest blackdragon as he figured out the hack of giving out loot to the all powerful players characters without them killing him first

  10. Hot take: Kairoz was actually a member of the Infinite Dragonflight, and he subtly convinced Wrathion to do all his dumb stuff. The Infinite Dragonflight wanted the Legion to fail so that the Void lords would unmake reality.

  11. Not gonna lie, I love this character, he is just full of it and is expected to make loads of mistakes just after hatching from his egg… despite that though, he acknowledged what he did wrong many years later, and has made up for it by killing N'zoth, truly a more grown up response from a literal child we all came to knew since Cata.

  12. Alot of his mistakes happened because The Plot Said So.. Bliz wanted faction conflict in Cata? stuff happened! The Plot Said So! and Pandaville? The Plot Said So! Legion? PLOT! Characters do dumb things and Keep On Doing Dumb Things and refusing to learn from the past! Why? dont ask questins! Plot Said So!!! i dont even want to thing about the stupid plan they cooked up for Sylvanas …

  13. Rathian: Ha ha! I'm the black dragon flight leader now!

    Gets sucker punched by Ebon Horn

    Ebon Horn: Move aside b**ch, Black dragonflight needs an INTELLIGENT dragon leading it.


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