Walk Away From the Scissors


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7 thoughts on “Walk Away From the Scissors”

  1. I have been watching Redeem TV they have 3 seasons of Sue Thomas FBI/ EYE Its based on a true story about a person who was deaf working for the FBI she recently passed away they have a few of her biography on their. Really a great series.

  2. The style of bang cut that she did on your bangs is a Modern style. I believe you had went to to cut your hair is in school for cutting hair. It’s probably something she just learned. They should also teach her to know her audience. Just my two cents. 😊

  3. Hi Marla,
    I love hairdressing.
    I'd like to make a suggestion.
    Dont have it cut again for the moment.
    Get some tongs and hair mouse, curl you layers [Uk for Bangs] under. Use a thick brush to add body to the top of your head brush it back then use some wax.
    Hair wax is really good for giving shape.
    You can soften the edges with your fingers using hair wax.
    If it doesn't look right you can always wash out and try again.
    Brad Mundos channel has good tips.
    Love the lake house film, it's a lovely film.
    Ps, can you give me any tips for trying to fly while homeschooling?
    My daughter attended a lovely Christian school but since the secondary does not teach Christian values we decided to pull her out.
    Joy, Kev n Lucy.
    Ps: love to hear your hand is healed!
    Amen xx


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