Wagner vs Kremlin: Russia's second battle in Bakhmut | Defence in Depth

There are two battles happening right now in Bakhmut, the blasted Donbas city in east Ukraine. The first battle has reduced the …


45 thoughts on “Wagner vs Kremlin: Russia's second battle in Bakhmut | Defence in Depth”

  1. Defence in Depth is a weekly output of high quality comment, news and analysis of the big defence stories. Do you have a topic you would like us to cover in the coming weeks? Let us know in a comment below.

  2. Look at western propaganda, Bakhmut is important just because 20 Ukrainian brigades are defending it. That is more than earmarked for the greatest offensive.

  3. There is no in fighting between Wagner and regular army… Lol. Around Bakhmut Wagner is supported by up to 10000 rounds per day!
    A single unified command is ruling the day.

  4. This feels like Brits are jealous about success of Wagner. They wish they had a company like Wagner. Wagner is the most successful private company right now.
    Pergozin is an excellent businessman and commander.

  5. <<Ещё раз об ударах "Кинжалами" по бункеру НАТО: почему о них все молчат>>
    (набрать в браузере)

    <<Два Кинжала залетели в шахту бункера под Львовом, все 200-е.>>
    Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников …
    До сих пор копают, ищут останки.
    Штаты дали заднюю.

    Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them
    (type in browser in Russian)

    Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s.
    Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels …
    Still digging, looking for the remains.
    The states gave back.

  6. at first the Ukrainians abducted people to join their military then they arrest their military members for attempting an operation to steal bombers before Russia 'accidently' bombs their own town.. hmm.

  7. I think the biggest myth about the word ‘defense’ is that it’s referred to as ‘defense’. Countries nowadays are equipping themselves with more powerful weapons in the name of defense, thereby encouraging their neighbours and counterparts to do the same. It just becomes a vicious circle from there

  8. Hi T-team, love the content.

    I have yet to see or hear anyone go and do a deep dive episode on the “Budapest Memorandum” and what it meant/didn’t mean, for Ukraines security as the signing partners agreed to “security assurances” in response to Ukraine voluntarily giving up their Soviet stockpiles. Weapons that a armchair historian like myself, can reasonably argue, is a factor now of Ukraine having to give ground to Russia. If they still had those weapons, then Russia should’ve not invaded as they could be used against them. So I feel this topic is one that is neglected in its depth, I’ve heard some mentions of it, but nothing other than a quick mention and a sweeping comment to brush the topic off the conversation table. Please ensuite me with a more thorough response. Although it would very much seem as though the US and Britain are living up to the vague 1994 term of “security assurances” our populations deserve more context than that as it would help people realize that their governments have their word and just because the war may drag on, their word should be held to a long term account of support.

  9. The anti-Russian obsession of the Anglo-Saxon elites, especially the British, is reminiscent of others. In the past, some conservative forces have even produced false documents to fuel Russophobia
    Russia obsesses European liberal elites, especially in Britain. In 1817, barely two years after the end of the Napoleonic wars, a British daily newspaper, the Morning Chronicle, maintained that "the main intention of the Russians is to enlarge their territory", while General Sir Robert Wilson revived a false document: the "testament of Peter the Great".

  10. Хахахах Бахмут не имеет значения но Украина за него вцепилась и несёт огромные потери за не значительный маленький город 😂 Какие же вы пропагандисты ))

  11. Господин Пригожин при всем уважении к вам, как вы можете называть ,,сатану,, уважаемым …???? Или там в мозгу ещё не всё на место стало …!!!!????

  12. Was reading what soldiers contracted to Wagner are actually paid. A private soldier is paid around 100,000 rubles, $1260 ''us'', per month, not a week, a month. Probably give the boss Tax out of that also.
    Hardly worth lying dying on a battlefield for 500 bucks a week, please.


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