Armoury Construction | Project Zomboid | One Painful Year | Ep 96

#ProjectZomboid #ProjectZomboidChallenge #Gameplay #indie #gaming #zombie #survival #game #PC
Welcome to the channel! In this run I’m gonna be reattempting the painful year challenge that I never completed and we’re back purely so I can stop kicking myself for it! I’ve got a full rule list below of everything and it’s more or less a completely mod free run. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Check out the game for yourself here:
Challenge Author:

Rules :

1)No mods allowed except : a) Pillow’s Random Start mod b) Any UI mod that doesn’t have any impact on the game itself.

2) A hideout can only be used once. Once the character dies, it can never be used again. What constitutes a hideout? Any location where the survivor has slept in more than 2 nights in a row. It becomes a hideout on the 3rd night. Compound buildings are considered 1 unit. For example, a storage lot is one hideout. A mall is also one hideout. An apartment building is…you get the idea. Any buildings that you have walled-in together would be considered a compound if you plan on house hopping, to sleep 2 nights and then switch. Take notes of what you used up. Custom-built house? Can’t build another one in the same area. A lake is considered a compound. Cars are free game. Same for tents. The hobo life is a risky but fair strat. Be reasonable.

3) No use of 3rd party maps. No PZ website world map, no map mod. Lootable maps are allowed.

4) You must abandon your base and move to a NEW town every 4 months. The move dates are static, 4th month and 8th month survived. You may start moving in the month leading up to those dates. So on the 3rd and 7th, you may make your move. That doesn’t mean that you are forced to stay somewhere. If you are in need to abandon your base or if you decide to change location, that is totally fine. But you will still be forced to move again on the 4th and 8th month. You may transfer your supplies over to the next base. Once you have moved, you cannot base in your previous town. You can, however, go back and stay for 2 nights in a row. Even in your old base. For whatever reason that may be. You’re still expected to leave and live somewhere else. If you’re gonna try your hardest to find a loophole to this, might as well not play at all. If you weren’t in any towns, go to a different part of the world.

5) No time-skipping/sleep abuse with the sole purpose of passing up time. You can speed up time for mundane tasks, reading, cooking, etc. You may also speed up time if you are traveling, if you have a broken limb or are incapacitated or if you are stuck indoors due to bad weather. You can’t skip through months just for the sake of it. No popping sleeping pills out of a PEZ dispenser. No foraging/eat/sleep cycles. Etc.

6) You have to start a new world every time. Can’t just continue in the same world.

7) Keep track of your deaths and personal best score.

8) No dupe bugs allowed. Any kind of silly exploit is a no-go. Cheese is tolerated.

Here’s a map with the locations that are considered towns :

Settings (in tab order) :

The 1PYC is played on the 6 months later preset. Go into custom sandbox, click the drop down menu for presets, select the 6 months later option. You’ll want to save a preset so you don’t have to do re-do the settings every time. You will most likely die a lot.

World : House Alarms Frequency (Sometimes), Locked house frequency(Very often), Darkness during night(Pitch Black)

Nature : Compost time(1week)

Sadistic AI : Helicopter(Sometimes)

Meta : Time before corpse removal(170)

Vehicle : Locked Frequency(Sometimes), Car Alarms Frequency(Rare)

Zombie lore: Infection Mortality(Instant), Cognition(Use Doors+windows), Environmental Attacks(Off), Zombie House Alarm Triggering(On)

Advanced : Respawn hours(0.0)

Any of the settings not mentioned in this list remain untouched (6 months later preset)

For the cleaner version, check out this link:
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11 thoughts on “Armoury Construction | Project Zomboid | One Painful Year | Ep 96”

  1. What you need is some of the hanging cabinets from the trailer park for your kitchen, get you some extra storage that looks fancy^

    For the armory, id say use the glass shelves for weapons, and either metal shelves or wooden crates for the ammo.

    Another great thing is them wooden shelves in the Giga-Mart, i always use them for the late game pantry

  2. good to hear your setting in well in the new place it's always weird at first when your bed doesn't feel like your bed.

    Idea for season 2 when you get to a year start a new game with lots of new maps i recommend using the Apexmap mod and import your character to continue his travels, if your interested in the idea i'll find the files you need to do do it i've done it before you just cant bring any items with you but he'll have all his skills


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