VRing Through DOOM 3 p.2 – Meat In The Walls

You don’t want to let meat start growing in the walls, once it’s in there you’re never gonna get it out.


16 thoughts on “VRing Through DOOM 3 p.2 – Meat In The Walls”

  1. I mean, wall meat is like, free meat. Just imagine, instead of going to the shop you could just ask your spouse to pick some scrumptious meat globules from the walls for you while you're getting a ladder to pick some ceiling veggies. I dunno, sounds like the future, the tasty, delectable free future of nutrition to me.

  2. Wait a second… This is Mars. There's no documented aliens or anything in this universe (I'm pretty sure). Why is Mars covered in guns? Like… SURELY you'd expect the city to have maybe tasers or, like, pistols for self defense (maybe they got smuggled in by criminals, who knows) but it's not like you'd be going to war with anyone…

  3. This been such a fun playthrough so far, I never knew these NPCs were so kissable! My own run of this game now feels soulless and empty, as it was almost entirely smooch-free.

    Also, I love that by disregarding general email safety and phishing policies, that one guy is able to secure an entire chaingun and armor from martianbuddy. Network security be damned!

  4. I had an incredibly stupid dream, after having watched the first video, that the canonical naming of "The Doom Slayer" is due to the demons in this game mishearing when you're called the "new guy" with "doom guy"


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