Jaeger Tracks: Trust the Dog. Watch and learn.

There’s a lesson in every track. Trusting a tracking dog is a big one that comes with time for a tracking team. In past videos we’ve seen how prey drive matters, how the nose knows more than we do, and you’ve seen trust. What you’ll see in this video is how even when doubt and lack of trust creeps into my mind, my tracking partner Jaeger will always find a way to prove me wrong and restore it. Watch and learn. Good boy Jaeger. #teckel #trackingdog #deertracking #trust


3 thoughts on “Jaeger Tracks: Trust the Dog. Watch and learn.”

  1. Excellent documentation of a gut shot track. So often no visible sign for a very
    LONG way. Reading/trusting the dog becomes everything, and that is not easy if the deer has been bumped and you're not seeing sign for a 1/4 mile or more! And at night perhaps especially so. Loved seeing Jaeger beginning to air scent. With my BMH that usually means the deer is dead very close. And the sudden change in the line also usually means the deer may be close; last attempt by the deer to hide. (not always). Several times when I was ready to quit as I began doubting my dog, the hunter would encourage me to go a little further and we would make a recovery. Anyway, just great to see your dog work and the reality of tracking play out.


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