VLOG! I've Been Shocked By The Vape Community | Hella Mail / UK HAUL!!



Hello and welcome!!!!! Mother trucking vlog day is here. Timestamps are the first pinned comment, there are also chapters on this video. Got a whole lot of catching up to do tonight. Lots going on, Lots of mail, I still have my UK Haul to go through. I wanna retro vape, I wanna liquid taste, I wanna drink a beer, I wanna set up a new SX POD that really impressed me in the UK. Anyway… happy to see you here.

Gate is open, come on in, boosh 9,000

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unCOMMON by GrimmGreen and SuperGood

Any links mentioned in the stream will be below.

Kent’s AI IG
Australia’s vape laws will be the ‘toughest in the world’, says Health Minister Mark Butler
In 2023 Youth Vaping Declined Again – Now Down Over 60% Since 2019 Peak
COP10 and MOP3 postponed to 2024
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he Coldest Water – Use code “GRIMM” for 10% off
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00:05:22 Hello And Welcome
00:07:24 Quick Rundown
00:15:31 Beer
00:24:19 What I’ve Been Vaping
00:35:23 Assignment Planet Globe
00:43:12 Dixxon Comes Off
00:46:11 Birthdays
00:53:43 Join Us on Patreon!
00:56:00 News & Advocacy
01:39:26 Vape Mail / UK Haul
03:05:51 Random Liquid Tasting
03:27:31 Habanero Kool-Aid Pickles


My Tobacco Harm Reduction links and information – get active in the fight to save vaping
CASAA Tobacco Harm Reduction links and information
#GrimmArmy #Vaping
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All my videos are my opinions based on the experiences I have had with the product. Most of the products I have received at no charge and / or sponsored for the purpose of creating a video. I retain the right to say whatever I want about the products I receive and would obviously never accept money in exchange for a positive review. My integrity is never for sale.


25 thoughts on “VLOG! I've Been Shocked By The Vape Community | Hella Mail / UK HAUL!!”

  1. When you bring up your father it always hits home with me because my father raised 6 kids by himself and this may be over sharing but any chance I can brag about my dad I do! my mother left me and my 2 sisters when we were babies my father was 24 years old raising 3 kids while going to school and working full time fast forward to 2016 my dad got full custody of my 2 half brothers and joint custody of my youngest brother all while working full time helping every person he can possibly help waking up at 5am every morning going to the gym then work! My father is my best friend we talk every single day I see him every single day don’t ever feel bad for wanting more time with your father! I love the vlog and videos but if it comes between spending time with your father or vlogs then fuck the vlog! Dont ever feel the need to apologize to anyone especially us on YouTube for not being able to do vlogs every week or the vape fiddle ect we will always be here! Spend as much time as you possibly can with your father! I wish him the best and I hope all is well with you and your whole family!

  2. I started vape from very beginning (with ridiculous plastic fake cigarettes, horrible taste and vape but I liked the idea…), after chinese stuff (I lived in Asia at this time) ego tanks with chinese juices (dekang,…) at 24mg nicotine freebase… I followed the vape wave and progress, now I vape around 1 to 2 mg nicotine, sometime 0.5, and all styles MTL RDL to airy DL depending my feeling, so all style of gears and attys, if I continue to vape as I don't need anymore really my daily nicotine shoot, just for one big reason, I LOVE to vape even with 0 nicotine, my choice my right my pleasure. After more than 10 years, I am still super excited before receiving a vape mail with new juices to taste ! Vape is magic, it is a tool, but also a pleasure and for few of us, a real passion. No one can put a dirty stupid law to stop that when we can find regular cigarettes, processed sugar, alcohol, fastjunkfood and other craps free to sell from industry (easy to get for young people). If one law can be accepted against smoking, so forbid directly tobacco cigarettes business…

  3. Just had to come back and say that your “rant” on people wanting to ban disposables was epic. Totally related as my Mother also had dementia and smoked. It amazed us that the one thing she never forgot was that she wanted cigarettes. Disposables are the answer for so many smokers. Protect all vapes all the time!

  4. So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry Australia, don't have many chances to say this but I'm proud to be a American, now don't get me wrong you're f**** us over here too they're just using lubrication it's not as raw

  5. The only problem I have with disposables is the environmental problem, which is becoming a real eyesore in some places, and there is nothing that a disposable can do that a small pod can't. If you can get into the packaging of a disposable, you can swap a pod, so I don't really get the argument that it restricts availability – the same devices can easily be re-engineered to allow the pod to be replaced and just make sure that the pods themselves are available and inexpensive. Nor have I ever come across anyone who has any trouble changing a pod or charging a pod battery. Of course, if the pods are refillable that is a bonus, but needn't be mandatory if the pods are supplied prefilled in a variety of flavours. Costs can be even lower if the coil can be replaced, but that is both rarer and more fiddly, so I wouldn't expect everyone to cope with that, or deride them for any inability to do so. So that is the basis on which I don't object too much about a disposable ban – the device is difficult to dispose of properly as it has a battery, traces of nicotine, some small quantity of electronics and a sealed plastic case, which in combination make it almost impossible to recycle or dispose of responsibly. Many councils will not take them in household refuse or trash, as they insist on everything being separated into their different components for recycling, with the end result being that they end up becoming litter, which is both unsightly and bad for the environment. And does it really make any difference to the user if the whole vape is disposable or just the pod?
    Neither affects me, as I exclusively vape traditional replaceable battery mods, mostly with RTAs but with a couple of RDAs in the rotation just for flavour testing, and I now only buy DNAs as nobody does temperature control as well as Evolv LLC and I only vape in temperature control. Power is OK for setting new coils up and dry-burning old ones to clean them, but I adjust all my vaping in degrees Celsius instead of a proxy which changes the instant the airflow moves
    I do keep a couple of slimline pods for giving to smokers (with some success, as I've run out of acquaintances who smoke), and I have an Orion Plus which is the nearest to true TC I can get in a pod, and you can either change the whole pod or just the coil, so it is reasonably economical to run. I use that with 20mg as something very discreet that I can carry if I ever return to a condition that allows me to get out and about, and at 20mg, the capacity of only 2ml isn't a problem – I generally vape at 4.5mg/ml
    My hand tremours and lack of sensation make it trickier to rebuild than it would otherwise be, so I can't build aliens, although I manage most other complex coils, and always change out any screws which are not hex socket, as crosspoint tend to cam out and mess up the head, while slotted just slip – hex socket screws allow me to leave the Allen key in the screw and do half a turn at a time, which no other commonly available screw type does (I don't regard torx as commonly available in those sizes, otherwise they would also qualify).
    And I even mix all my own juice, unless I get some special offer at a show, but it has been 4 years since I was able to get to one (Autumn 2019 Vaper Expo UK), although as I now have my full mobility allowance and blue badge, there is a slight chance I may make it to the spring UK vape show next year. I'll be easy to spot on my mobility trike with throw-over panniers to carry an assortment of mods, tanks with various flavours, any deals I manage to pick up, and wearing a Steam Crave T-shirt and either a Steam Crave baseball cap or my KZOR cap, with long straggly beard and hair (hopefully I'll be able to get someone to make it a bit less straggly by then though). I've been fortunate enough to get hold of my own class 3 scooter, which means it is road-legal and registered, although I have to switch it to 4mph speed-limited mode for use in pedestrian areas. It is a bit difficult to transport though (all 100 Kg of it, plus charger and luggage), and only has a range of about 30 miles and then needs to be recharged overnight.
    I smoked for 40 years and had tried everything available to quit, so much so that I had given up on the idea that I'd ever be able to quit.
    Then on 3rd February 2017 I got the cheapest device then available, a CE-5 EGO "pen style" device, in the hope of at least reducing the amount I was spending on tobacco, papers, filters, lighter fuel and flints, etc. On the 13th I noticed that I had still only got half a dozen cigarette butts in my ashtray, and it had been at least 24 hours, and quite possibly longer, since I'd smoked a cigarette. It was just easier to take a puff or two on my vape than go through the hassle of rolling, lighting, and keeping lit a cigarette. So although I mark my "vapiversary" as the 12th, it may have been a day or even two earlier. By the end of the month, I'd saved enough to upgrade to a Kangertech Topbox Mini starter kit, which came with nickel, stainless steel, and Kanthal SSOCC coils, as well as an RBA, and which had passable TC which I changed to using and never went back. I'd stayed reasonably fit even as a smoker, so what with running and cycling (I rode a century – 100+ miles – at least once a week, on top of all the utility use – which as I live in a village, entails many trips into the city each week), I didn't take long to clear the crap out of my lungs, so a couple of years later, when I found I was breaking bones for the most trivial reasons (like three ribs when leaning across a desk), I was referred for a battery of tests, repeated a year later when I had a tumble from a bike and landed awkwardly. The first set found that I had a bit less than half the normal bone density (osteoporosis), and the second when the physiotherapist could not find any reflexes at all in what had been my good (right) leg, that I had some nerve damage which was failing to heal. So I got to see a lot of doctors over that time period, and of course, they all had a standard set of tests, including a full set of blood work, electrocardiograph, spirometry (lung capacity), blood pressure, and some specialist ones, nerve conductance (2nd time), radiological bone density scans on the first time (they inject an intravenous short half-life isotope [technetium methylene diphosphonate, IIRC], then scan for it hourly for several hours, during which time you are confined to the "hot" side of the nuclear medicine department) – you get the idea – I think I saw consultants from most of the departments in the hospital. Oh, and gallstones too – how could I forget that period of agony, which I'd rate as being twice as painful as any broken bone I've ever had, which is most of them.
    Neither consultant believed that I had ever been a smoker – the first went away and read my full notes, the second actually cross-checked all my patient data with all the other forms of ID I could produce before he believed he was treating the right patient. Unfortunately, I've since lost all the fitness as I can't cycle anymore and lockdown did me no favours.

  6. I started vaping may 2010, i started with a 85$ kanger evoid from vape shop, not long after that, got into RDAs, mec mods etc, I was a hobbyist. I have Bens full of stuff, but nothing I use now I still Vape, i’ll always watch shows, and channels.All i use are disposables, that’s it. If they go away there’s nothing left for me, I’m gonna get a pack of smokes, I’ve got I have my nicotine bottom line, I’m someone that cannot function without nicotine. I was type of person that enjoyed smoking, never wanted to quit smoking for myself. I didn’t quit for health reasons, I stopped because of family, I thought I was going to die smoking honestly, I tried every quitting product on the market. Nothing worked till I tried vaping, I did try some cig, likes thing about those, They helped me cut down, they didn’t help me quit. I still needed a cigarette point is right before disposables, I was a squnker, reason I went to disposables only isn’t, because I’m lazy. I’d love to have MTL set up with some free base juice, I don’t know where to start, I don’t have shops. But disposables they sell it every gas stations that is once here here, the main reason I quit the other vaping style was cause, tired of VG getting on windows, etc. I was afraid it was gonna mess up my electronics, so I wanted some thing with satisfaction good vapor ,not clouds, disposables hit the spot. They’re perfect. That’s why I use them, I thought about checking into some of the Callieburn stuff I don’t know it’s like starting all over again.

  7. Nick I love you and totally support you but I feel you've missed the point on people's hatred of disposables, because maybe your ideology has clouded your judgement.. disposable vapes are probably the easiest way for smokers to quit,I don't think anyone can really question that,,but what disposable vape have done is put vapes in the hands of children all over the world and that has drawn massive attention from all corners to which there really is no defensive..and to say,as you do,well underage vaping is illegal,it shouldn't happen,it's the parents,it's the dodgy shops that sell to them,is just so naive,the powers that be are left with no choice but to regulate them because it's right in their face,,the kids have fucked it for us here in the UK😂,,vaping has gone from something positive to something unwanted and they're coming for us..said with much respect x


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