Epic Fail! Black Samurai DISASTER Gets WORSE! Ubisoft TANKS & IGN CRIES Assassin's Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is one of the most hilarious disasters yet.


29 thoughts on “Epic Fail! Black Samurai DISASTER Gets WORSE! Ubisoft TANKS & IGN CRIES Assassin's Creed Shadows”

  1. The longer this stays a headline the more I realize I don't care. AC1 was like 5 years ahead of its time, and then AC2 was like 5 years behind its time and looked like a ps2 game. Then i think i played 5 mins of number 3. So if i ever decide to play AC again im probably going for 3 and not whatever number shadows is anyways.

  2. It’s amazing, AC fans hav been asking for a game set in Japan for over a decade and not only do they wait so long that a far superior game has already been put out, but when they do finally give us what we asked for they put a non Japanese hero in it 🤦‍♂️

  3. If they want Yasuke so badly they should do his game like he come back to Africa and dill with regional situations as a person who was in Japan and back home! Nobody knows what he did after 1 year of serving to real samurai then, it would be great story if rest his chistory will be in Africa and I will buy it100%, but now they still story for Japanese people, probably only one chance for them do have AC game there.

  4. 7:09 if they set a game in africa, I would be VERY apprehensive about it because we know why they set it there, but i'm not opposed to it, but I will not buy the japanese game

  5. Yasuke did exist. Was brought to the country by jesuits and given to Oda Nobunaga. Officially noted as a ’bushi’ meaning warrior/fighter. Black giant with the strenght of 10 men would have made a good mid-boss in a quest to assassinate Nobunaga.

  6. Dont you think that this all woke gey sisterhood wants to kiss black people in ass and have them as a loyals lovas for fighting rest of the world? I hope that most black people are happy with own chistory and culture and didnt fill like lets go sneak up there and take for free what we want. Problem is that internet and social media reality is now only one reality people belives coz they can edit it at home.

  7. If we do not have this woke SBINC blackmail war agains reality then nobody will care about what color is that guy, we have now censureship going on, made by woke lesbians using black people as a weapon, that why we are in fight mode, they made it like that to call as racists when we never think that way

  8. I am buying the game but y the hell do they insist that we hate yasuke because we're racist..I hate him only because he doesn't fit in the AC mold..how am I supposed to blend in the crowd, how does a assassin keep his anonymity while known throughout, how do I even do assassin creeding while in Golden samurai giddup, it doesn't make sense..thats not even mentioning ubisoft themselves being a 💩company plus knowing EXACTLY WHY they decided to go with Yasuke as our protagonist…but nah in the end im still a racist

  9. the funny part is they cant not do it now cause if they replace him with an Asian man theyll be dragged over the progressive coals same if they make him how he actually was in history

  10. Type "Sachi Schmidt-Hori" into the Brave URL bar and the first paragraph on Brave Search boasts about her efforts in DEI as a professor at Dartmouth. Talking about representation of gender, sexuality, and class. Absolutely hilarious. These people are jokes.

  11. This will not sell in Asian markets. Just saying most Asians despise African/Black people and on top of that they are insulting their culture. Bushido and the Samurai are core in Japanese culture as well as being key figures in some Chinese culture. Using Chinese architecture in Japan is insulting. Nice one Ubisoft you have made yourselves RACIST and have shown it to the whole world

  12. Yes a real person, the female MC is fake but historically her farther is real. Also a retainer were most likely a samurai and it wouldn't surprise me if nobunaga did make him a samurai cause he was considered eccentric at times. But also we're talking about a game that involves aliens and there left behind powerful relics. Assassin creed 2 and the whole apple of Eden? Oh let's not forget the Alien "gods". Would I like to play hattori Hanzo yes but nobunaga is a fun character to use and might as well build up a fake world of assassin creed.


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