Visiting the Epcot Center in Futureport '82 | Quick Look

Jeff Grubb is joined by Disney World historian, Mike Minotti, to take a virtual tour through Epcot and all of the carpets around the parks.

#quicklook #giantbomb #epcot


34 thoughts on “Visiting the Epcot Center in Futureport '82 | Quick Look”

  1. I'm glad this exists, and seems to be getting updated to feature more of the park. I personally am really bummed by the changes they are making to the park. It's just a kind of scattershot of franchises and IPs they own now, rather than an attempt to showcase a positive view of the future. It was never perfect, heck the Energy pavillion was sponsored by an oil company, but even with its flaws, it was a unique thing. There are ways to do what it did, in a more modern context, and it's unfortunate they didn't try.
    EPCOT was Disney, because Disney was more than what they just owned.

  2. This is a phenomenal project! Wow!

    I was an opening day Epcot Center cast member in 1982 (World Key Information Service and Guest Relations.) The first restaurant next to the "travelport" globe was called "The Stargate Restaurant." Across in Communicore West was the Sunrise Terrace – Initially, the restaurants were in opposite locations until they realized that the "Sunrise Terrace" did not face the sunrise, so they switched locations – Stargate became Electric Umbrella later. So many notes, but this is really cool to revisit.

  3. The Latin at 33:17 is placeholder text used by graphic artists and designers to hold text and test fonts and spacing – That "Lorem Ipsum" has been around for this purpose for decades. 🙂

  4. My God, this is incredible. Unlike Mike, I AM a tattoo guy, and I have the overall EPCOT icon (the five intersecting circles with a globe in the middle) on my right forearm. Thinking about adding a Spaceship Earth icon somewhere…

    I hope they add ride walkthroughs, although each ride would probably be as much work as they've put in for the main park areas. But even as-is, this is blowing my goddamn mind.

  5. This is pretty amazing to see – I love Epcot though curious to experience original Epcot way back when. Will definitely check this out and would love to see the project continue to expand.

  6. There's a band / artist called WINDMILL who did a record called EPCOT STARFIELDS and it's basically a concept album about this. It's super poppy, I loved it back then

  7. This is really cool. You guys should do even more Quick Looks of mods and homemade stuff.

    I one hundred percented Disneyland Adventures on Xbox Game Pass last year, even though it's not very good, just a bunch of collectibles and fetch quests and bad minigames, but I just used it as an excuse to spend time inside a "virtual Disneyland". I've wished Disney would make an updated sequel to that game, with better video game things to do in the park, perhaps actual RPG-style quests, and updated detail and visuals. I'd prefer them just redoing Disneyland as that's the one I have nostalgia for (I've never been to Disney World) but Disney World would be cool to, and probably the more obvious choice for a sequel.


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