Weekly Community Conversations #ThankstoMaddie 11/7/2022

Presentation: Vets to Vets United Vets to Vets United is a non-profit organization created to unite veterans and dogs for a common goal: improving and saving lives. By pairing veterans with dogs, Vets to Vets United seeks to significantly improve a veteran’s life by providing companionship and/or help with a mental or physical disability. In honor of Veterans Day on 11/11, we’ll learn more about Vets-to-Vets United’s partnerships with local shelters, universities, human services and the benefits of companion, therapeutic and service dogs for veterans.

Dr. Terry Morris, Founder, Vets to Vets United

To access the full agenda and resources from this call or to ask questions of our presenters, visit https://forum.maddiesfund.org/discussion/community-conversations-11722-vets-to-vets-united

About Community Conversations, hosted by Maddie’s Fund: When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, animal sheltering transformed overnight. Foster-based sheltering, home-based employees and volunteers, along with collaboration galvanized our communities. The pandemic, along with social injustice, has motivated our industry to look at how we partner with our communities and confront our own biases. Shelter and rescue staff across the country began talking on a weekly basis, offering support and innovative ideas to do things differently. To learn more about these calls visit https://forum.maddiesfund.org/communityconversations.

Not all views expressed on Community Conversations are endorsed by Maddie’s Fund.


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