Villagers React To Hunters Messed Up With Wrong Animals ! Tribal People React To Hunting

Villagers React To Hunters Messed Up With Wrong Animals ! Tribal People React To Hunting

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26 thoughts on “Villagers React To Hunters Messed Up With Wrong Animals ! Tribal People React To Hunting”

  1. To clarify:
    Many hunters do kill just for their hobby and it's resources, which is not inheritably a bad thing, while the bad is that there are those that ignore the strict laws and regulations.
    The main function for a hunter today in societies where hunting is not necessary for ones survival,
    is to follow quotas meant to maintain the populations, avoiding one to over-populate and decimate themselves or others.
    As we still have an integral part in the natural selection as a specie, which is important to remember, with all the other external factors(Human expansion)
    it's proven to be more difficult and even more necessary.

    Most hunters do feel bad for taking out an animal, more so causing pain to one, which is why most want it to be quick and instant.
    There are definitely those that couldn't care less about that, of course. Albeit, It hasn't been the majority of the hunters from my experience, in Norway.

  2. Would never tell them what they need to do in their cultural. They should take a moment to not pass judegment on hunters or cultures outside their own. Hunting is as basic to the human experience a procreation for hundred of thousands of years. I like to know where my food comes from. That being said, I wouldnt hunt lion or elephants. Dont like trophy hunting and thats ok since I am a bow hunter

  3. I hate when you guys give them false preassumptions to go off of and not explain the context properly giving them the wrong idea, I've seen you do it more and more to get a better reaction from them but as a result, either teaching them false info or not providing the proper context in video which would've been easy to explain like in this case, where they weren't hunting the animals that attacked them, they were out and about either hunting, hiking or doing photography and happened to face these encounters and most ended without any serious injuries as the narrator mentioned but based on their responses and reaction and this bad habit of yours, im inclined to believe you didn't properly translate it for them.

  4. A month ago my son didn't want to make a second trip to the dump and threw some of it in the back of my pickup. Another son hears something at 5 am and looks out. There is a bear going through what was there. We shouted out the window and it took off. A couple minutes later it came back. We set off the car alarm and it took off. So, the son that did it, went out and cleaned the area up later in the day. Tossed it back in the truck bed. I though, okay, that's smart. Alarm must have done the trick, hasn't been back. All the trash goes to the dump now. Bears, smell awful! Lesson learned.

  5. I think their respect for animal life is commendable. What I don't think they understood about these videos, is that for the most part they were not hunting the animals you see in this video. They did have guns for protection from such things. The majority of hunters eat what they kill here in the USA. I also hope our villagers understand deer hunters help keep the deer population under control since deer in most areas don't have natural preditors to do that. Yes there are ununscrupulous hunters and pochers who break hunting laws and they should be caught and punnished, but their numbers are small compared to honest hunters who do a lot more good than harm.


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