Viewer Mail – Is this a 4-bit Processor?!

Some gifts I received a while ago but has taken me a long time to get this video edited & posted! The subject of the title is at 2:35

00:00 Intro
02:35 Weird IC
05:22 X-Acto vs Surgical


23 thoughts on “Viewer Mail – Is this a 4-bit Processor?!”

  1. The Surgical Blade you show towards the end of the video looks like a copy of a Swann Morton No. 11 (part ref: 0103). I only mention this because the factory where they are made is down the hill from my home.

  2. I am only using surgical blades number 11 and number 15b. Buy them from the pharmacy here and they are way cheaper compared to the exacto blades from the office supply store

  3. The golden pins are called a leadframe. They can get formed into pins of various shapes. But here, the package is a so-called flatpak. So the chip will be mounted in a hole or a recess in the PCB, leads sitting on top of pads and trimmed.

  4. This module was designed by Collins, for use in avionics. I collect and make teardown videos of Collins avionics, and I can sell you this was likely used in a airliner at one point.

  5. I could tell it was surgical because there was someone's skin still on the tweezers – lol -.
    I think the jumpers are called wire bonds, because I remember The Signal Path wanting to buy a wire bonding machine.


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