US Navy vs Imperial Japan Victory at Sea Battle Report Ep 01

Gaz from Warlord Games gives you a crash coarse through the basics of Victory at Sea, a naval combat game set during the Second World War.

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50 thoughts on “US Navy vs Imperial Japan Victory at Sea Battle Report Ep 01”

  1. Oh damn, this is awesome! I've been playing this game for a while but no-one else likes SHIPS likes me in my little gaming group. So good to see it in a batrep, thank you so much Josh! πŸ˜€

    But yeah, as Josh said, plunging fire is just because the deck is flat and less armoured. Substantially less armoured. Cries in HMS Hood.

  2. When you find out pearl harbor was planned out well ahead of time and they knew when the attack would be as well… and even had more people on the ships than normal. Research it, it's insane.

  3. Picks up more velocity……..Sir Issac Newton is going to murder you. β€œI’ve got this turn, next turn, then it’s a shark fest.” – the man who has the USS Indianapolis in his fleet

  4. It's nice to see the different WW games, but the Ships models in this were not only really hard to tell apart so I recommend at the very least painting some signifying colours on the top, but also their bases really were Standing out over the ships themselves. It would be nice to see the Ships almost the size of such bases if you guys could do it.
    I feel like every time Gaz is on he loses, is he being nice or is he just cursed on Camera?

  5. 35:00 Those doggon leaping torpedoes. You'd imagine them hitting the bottom of the boat, but noup! The bridge is the place that gets completely obliterated without the ship otherwise loosing any important functionalities or just basic buoyancy…

  6. Cool to see the variety of games on display.

    I played the 1st edition of this (from Mongoose publishing) which was great fun but made radar too powerful in game. And, yes, I know Donitz said "Surface ships are no longer able to fight without effective radar equipment." after the Scharnhorst was sunk. But that doesn't make for as fun a game when one side has such an advantage!

  7. I'm an avid tabletop player, and it seems the quality of the models is lacking on these. Might just be me, but they could have removed the "base" of the model, the ocean look, and modeled the ship to be larger, thus showing off more detail.

  8. This looks like a good game, but the torpedo rules infuriates me. You shouldn't be able to fire torpedoes thru friendly warships without a chance to hit them ( 1. The destroyer torping the new Mexico, the light cuirser should be in the way of the stern launcher at least. 2. The crippled cuirser vs the right Portland, the two destroyers where clearly in the way).

  9. Game looks great but it's prohibitively expensive to get into for me right now, Plus even if I did pony up there doesn't appear to be a group for it yet, Hopefully it'll gain some traction in America, Usually once a game gets a decent following over there it becomes more accessible down here

  10. Hey can you guys try chain of command? I’m guessing you probably got a warlord games sponsor or something but I’d love to hear your guys take on chain of command vs bolt action

  11. That catastrophic failure reminded me of my first time playing Battlefleet Gothica. I was using an Ork fleet against a Space marine fleet, 3 to 2 or something like that. He had 2 ships for sure, and was sending them straight at me blasting my ships apart. So I sent one crippled ship between both of his ships to broadside them both. I didn't do much and he fired back. My ship suffered an engine failure blowing me up, but I was so close to the Space marine ships that they were caught in the blast. They BOTH suffered critical damage, and they BOTH rolled engine explosion, wiping out his fleet from his own shot.
    He was livid, the guy teaching us how to play was laughing his butt off, and I couldn't think of a more Orky victory.

  12. I'd love to know how you interpret the Movement rule where if models overlap you put the moving model wholly on the side the bridge ends up. Seems a janky way to get a potential 4" of movement in some models by simply getting your bridge on the otherwise of another model…


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