US and China warships nearly collide

The US accused a Chinese warship of cutting in front of an American vessel that was taking part in a joint exercise with the Canadian navy in the Taiwan Strait, forcing the American vessel to slow down to avoid a collision. CNN’s Oren Liebermann reports. #cnn #news


48 thoughts on “US and China warships nearly collide”

  1. When is our governemt going to invest in manufacturing here in the US?? The only way to not need China in any way is to get back to making all our own products. When we produce our own stuff and are not dependent on anyone (especially China) we are free. Then when China (or anyone else) pulls this kind of crap we can issue consequences. These games are 100% foolish and there was a time when the US would never put up with this garbage!Manufacture our own products, and we can get back to issuing consequences when countries do crap like this.

  2. Back in the Cold War, there was one time that a Soviet ship deliberately bumped into a US warship, the USS Karen. It seems the US Navy has improved its dodging skills since then.

  3. China is legit a good country. America has tried to control so much and now Americans are seeing the bad end of the stick. It’s Americans fault for doing wrong instead of right.

  4. The PLAN ship didn't even bother with the fig leaf of approaching the US Navy ship from (the US ship's) starboard side when they could have claimed right of way. Here the PLAN ship is clearly the burdened ship and required to maneuver to avoid collision. At the very least they should have passed astern.
    The Soviets used to play games with us in the Med. We had one Grisha-class frigate come within 30 ft of our fantail. The Soviets were at least competent ship handlers.

  5. Chinese navy to, practically any other navy deemed "hostile" in a nutshell:

    PLAN*: "don't touch me. Don't touch me!"

    USN: "we're not, we're just passing by!"

    Also PLAN: proceeds to approach with ill intent by ramming

    USN: "Bi][CH wtf…!?"

    *-people's liberation army navy. How on earth does an army have a navy is anyone's guess

  6. I wonder what would be US reaction is Chinese warships decided to sail on international waters in the limits of California, NY or Miami, as if it was a casual friendly morning exercise, such as jogging in the neighborhood.

  7. This again proves the fantastic skill, intelligence, IQ, and EQ of the American Naval Officers! They are wise and know when to engage and ignore childish behavior by virtue of their experience. Those so-called chinese dinghies, which they call 'war-ships' can be sunk with a water spray at 150 yards. chinese are playing a dangerous game here by depending on the compassion of the American Navy.

  8. China is not trying to invade another country on trumped-up charges "THEY GOT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION". They are trying to take back what was rightfully theirs for the majority of their history. WHO ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS?

  9. China already started to conduct freedom of navigation water around America to have America a taste of their own medicine. After Alaska China and Russia will conduct military exercise around America west and east coast. Remember china currently has 60 more battle ships then America had and it is growing in numbers every month

  10. We are tired of you . Let those 'leaders' meet ach other in a room and if necessary fight with each other and let others with rest. But they are gays .. .


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