The death of Coolio, Queen's death cert. says died of old age, Chipotle robotic tortilla chip maker

Gina Grad reports the news of today including: the sudden death of Coolio, Queen Elizabeth’s death certificate saying she died of ‘old age’, and Chipotle testing a robotic tortilla chip maker.


46 thoughts on “The death of Coolio, Queen's death cert. says died of old age, Chipotle robotic tortilla chip maker”

  1. Covid proved that fast food workers are essential. Low skilled, but essential. They should be paid more for their value and for the risk of being killed over cold french fries, not their skill. Plus business need to make money so the owner can take 4 expensive vacations a year and drive overpriced cars. Not to live a quality life, but to live like a glutton.

  2. Not a pedophile that I know of is what everybody has said about every pedophile that ever like victimized 150 kids before he was first discovered by anyone and that's a statistic that's based on a scientific study of pedophiles locked up in the California prison system maybe you can go do some research and educate yourself on that because when you say things that aren't funny as if they're facts nobody knows that you just made a joke the bombed and that you just not that great of a comedian and I listen to you not so much but to be amused but to be like wow you get a little bit of money and success and you decide you are an expert on things that you have no knowledge of and a recklessly spreading your ignorance so parents that aren't as rich as you and don't get the protection for their children that you and your money do

  3. Is Coolio the guy who totally put out a Stevie Wonder song and changed the name of the song to Amish Paradise? Because I have two sons who were both were born before that song came out and their names are Jacob and jebediah which cracked us up when we saw that video the first time.

  4. Okay maybe you hate Elvis Presley but that's not fair to say that he went crazy the way that Michael Jackson did he isolated himself with a gun full of Wax and some peanut butter and banana ham something sandwiches and all that which is kind of different than suggesting yourself in your private amusement park where you take little kids around get them drunk and put your finger in their butt and I think of any members of Elvis's family heard that they would immediately see how offensive that statement is.

  5. Here's something ironic if you read a book that you really ought to called pedophiles predators and rapists or something like that, but the author is Anna salter and she will tell you that most pedophiles can't afford to pay off victims and are the most sane appearing people that you will run into in contrast to their victims who are actually really sane but appear batshit crazy because we live in a country where we have armed police whose job is mainly to protect pedophiles and churches that also do that and I'm not referring to the Catholic church because I was molested by a pedophile Mormon priest and the woman I married was as well but was unable to deal with the trauma without causing four out of five of our kids to be raped and when I warned her about the danger she told me I was paranoid and this was after she discovered that I was actually not paranoid when I said there was something wrong with the daycare and I got down on my knees tears running down my face and begged her to take him out of the daycare as we had agreed before he was born that day cares were too dangerous because pedophiles are everywhere and you wouldn't know it if somebody sitting at that table that you record your podcast out was a pedophile because that's the way that the pedophiles get away with it you see. The cognitive dissonance in a non pedophile who wasn't abused by pedophiles is too great that they invariably decide if the kids are lying and that the pervert is a truth teller even though any expert in the field will tell you that it is not just uncommon unheard of for children to just spontaneously make up stories of being molested at age 4 because I still don't understand why this adult wanted to suck on my little penis everyday and I saw him everyday and the only thing I know is that some people don't deal with trauma well it's just a genetic weakness and if we don't return to the days of parents just slitting the man's throat that molested their kids we're going to have a culture where pedophiles are a significant voting block because the crime of pedophilia functions more like a disease than a crime and the average pedophile possibly is never apprehended and has 149 victims now if even 1% of those become pedophiles we're going to have a problem and we might already have

  6. Hey a little fact that prince Andrew doesn't understand, the amount of trauma that an adult experiences in a combat situation is several levels of intensity beyond what a child who is sexually assaulted daily in his home and when at church or in a car or anywhere that no one else is looking experiences. I believe the DSM version whatever list seven levels of intensity with one being the most severe and seven being yeah I saw a car accident that didn't involve me anyway or I saw combat on TV creates in people that are mentally weak. I believe the highest level an adult who isn't mentally defective should get from being in the front lines of a trench war is like level four and it's great that they're bringing attention to PTSD but these soldiers need to realize that to somebody that has severe childhood post-traumatic stress disorder they look like a bunch of whiners who made a choice as an adult to participate in organize killing but lack the courage to stand up and say it's time that our soldiers stopped fooling the weak minded into thinking that serving their government, which is illegitimate if you use the Constitution and the declaration of Independence as your yardstick, and use their military experience to overturn the Republicans and the Democrats by force because even with all the taxes that King George levied we are overtaxed today because every major city in America has a King George that calls himself a mob boss and is taxing everybody's wealth and indeed the wealth of our country to support a government that is oppositional to the god-given rights that they were created to protect and I have to agree with Thomas Jefferson that it is the duty of the citizens in our position to use violence to reestablish the rule of law and the primacy of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Like George Carlin said, they're not rights if the government can take them away. However George was a little off on his accuracy but right on with this comedy. The real situation is that it's not a government if they can take away your inalienable rights without due process or any hearing where truth is of Paramount importance. The fact is no soldier is allowed to serve his country, they are all forced to serve their government and they are not the same thing. I still say thank you for your service because I know they just didn't know the difference.

  7. My mom passed away September 17, 2 weeks ago, and she was only 60 to Coolio’s 59. I remember listening to Coolio as a kid in the 90s. Truly tragic, but that’s life. We all share in it.

  8. Can you please tone down Gina? She is not as smart or funny that she thinks she is. She has progressively gotten more irritating & loud over the last few years interrupting every guest … including YOU! This is the ADAM show, not the Gina show. You want higher ratings…. get rid of her.

  9. Ok, Costco didn't invent the hotdog and drink combo, Price Club did in 1984 at store #1 on Morena Blvd in Pacific Beach. Then Costco and Price Club merged and Saul Price, the mensch, decided Costco had better brand recognition despite being a blatant copy of his business model.


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