‘Unthinkable!’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle react to Charles birthday snub | Palace Confidential

In the latest episode of our talk show Palace Confidential, three of the Daily Mail’s royal experts – Richard Kay, Rebecca English and Richard Eden – discuss the past week in the House of Windsor.

From Prince William’s plans to ‘do’ rather than simple ‘shine a light on’, to a bubbling row over whether Prince Harry will be excluded from King Charles’s 75th birthday party, to the whereabouts of the woman dubbed the ‘disappearing duchess’ our team’s insights on the big stories make this an unmissable programme.

0:00 We’re in a brand new studio!
1:06 Rebecca explains the pomp and pageantry of the State opening of Parliament
2:57 Richard Kay explains the King’s Speech
4:20 Why were people looking for King Charles to slip up in Kenya?
7:48 Prince William’s ‘extraordinary’ briefing to the media
9:18 Could Prince William have chosen his words better?
10:25 ‘This is RADICAL!’ Richard Eden breaks down the future of Royal patronages and charities
13:14 Richard Eden reacts to Nicky Haslam comments about Prince William and Kate Middleton
14:54 Your best comments read out!
16:04 Would Zara Phillips ever get a Royal title?
17:03 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle react to Charles birthday snub
18:30 Richard Eden reacts to the latest Harry and Meghan row
19:57 ‘Hot Nut Spray!’ Rebecca reveals just what you get as a birthday gift for the King
21:32 Reaction to Prince Harry using a private jet to fly to a Katy Perry concert!
23:00 How Prince William and Catherine approach eco issues differently to Prince Harry
24:15 ‘The disappearing duchess’ Where is Meghan Markle?
25:25 It’s montage time!

#palaceconfidential #royals #princeharry #meghanmarkle


20 thoughts on “‘Unthinkable!’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle react to Charles birthday snub | Palace Confidential”

  1. .

    Zara could not really be given a title. Her father, had he accepted the Earldom given to husbands of a monarch's daughter would have meant she would now be Lady Zara, and her brother Peter, a Viscount.

  2. why do you keep referring to the Sussex is as royals there’s nothing royale about Meghan Markle and harry has abandoned his Royal heritage, so why just keep them off the program nobody cares about them or what they have to say. nobody. As for the disappearing Miss Merkel, she’s having plastic surgery and a lot of it. She hast to stay behind the scenes and keep you guessing because she doesn’t want anybody to come into her bedroom with all the bandages.

  3. Markles dropped themselves out of the family so why should they have been invited.Besides being hateful vicious and virile toward their family. I wish they would fo back to Canada or maybe Australia as Americans are fed up.

  4. Maybe we should ask the UK to take us back as our politicians are terrible and we can not keep our country safe. At least with then there is nofighting in who the boss is and their borders are secure.

  5. King Charles did not want them to his celebrating so he did not invite them
    No big deal Harry and Meghan is enjoying their life
    Y'all making such a big deal out of one simple party and yall was not invited i guess thats a snob as well but guess most people realized that King Charles gatheted two sons but is daddy to one who will be king one day HE dont care about the SPARE and demonstrate that when he took their home away from him the sad thing about all this is after they paid to have the cottage renovated.That is how much the king love his darling son.Should be given father of the year award for kicking his SPARE son out his home

  6. Was this filmed BEFORE the ridiculous appearance of Prince Henry and “she who I will not name” at one of our US veterans celebrations? The Prince looked incredibly awkward while his first wife had a garish smile pasted on her face, standing up front as if she were being awarded some other nonsensical item. I half expected her to snap up those scissors from the lady holding them to try to cut the opening ribbon herself.
    DON’T TELL ME “she who I will not name” IS TAKING TIME OFF … If you’re going to report on this broad, get your facts right.
    OTHERWISE, love the programme

  7. Worst background ever! Its blurry and not cosy. You guys are cosy not (fake) grand. This is classic unable to focus on the content because of the ghastly background.


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