"UNCHRISTIAN" Christianity

Sermon by Pastor Matt Trewhella


8 thoughts on “"UNCHRISTIAN" Christianity”

  1. When I post comments on secular videos espousing Christian doctrine, I get more backlash from religious people than I do from the unsaved. I was commenting on the sin of suic#, and a religious person who claimed "Christianity" demanded I give the exact verse saying it was a sin. On the Real Stories channel, they showed people giving end of life drugs to a woman, and they stayed with her in the room until her final breath. I ask, who in their right mind would say that that is what Jesus would have done, and that it isn't an evil thing to participate in; and therefore called sin?!

  2. I think the only objection I would have to unchristian church is that it could mislead those searching for a true Bible fellowship. Internet searches could be derailed, and those seeking a true Bible Church may never find you. I like the first century church name: The Way. It leads to questions and appeals to those honestly searching, while providing distance from lukewarm churchianity.

  3. Listen to ya all the time on sermon audio thanks for your work. You’re preaching really helps me from being lukewarm we should really walk a “No Excuses” walk. You and Jason storms should have a megaphone to the entire world & also… Jojo the circus monkey 😂 God bless you pastor Matt

  4. Amen! Sobering. Thank you.

    My mission: publish the gospel and deal with the consequences. I've pictured Jesus saying as much to His disciples. Then, He gets in a car to drive away. But before He does, He rolls down the window and says, "I go away. But do not fear; I will send you a lawyer." Leaving them a bit stunned, He then drives off. Not the most comforting last words but I think He set the tone for those men right from the beginning.

  5. What would make you even more "unchristian" is if you exposed the false idol golden calf know as the modern day faux state of israel. The Bible is Christ based, NOT "jewish" supremacists national israel based. It's always been and always will be about Jesus, NOT genetics, get a clue!


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