Ultor and Ruth

Ultor belongs to @HavokYT
This story is a continuation of a story written by @Era_de_Lupi
The Link to Ultor’s original story can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cps4_xMoGh0&t=1s
A Link to Ruth’s story can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUrJNkqwvxU&t=213s

Hey guys! So I don’t get to do many crossovers with For Honor content creators because………….well I suck at the game. 🙂 …………That’s the end of that sentence right there.
But if there’s one thing I do like a lot, it’s telling stories! I love crafting legends and stories around my For Honor heroes, as many of you know. Well, a few months ago, the talented Era de Lupi wrote a short lore for Havok’s warden character: Ultor. I liked the story…and thought about possibly building on it.
But, I also wanted to do sort of a meeting of Ultor with my own warden: Ruth the Northborn Warden.

I really hope ya’ll like it, I hope Havok and Era also like it too. I’ll go ahead and admit that my voice acting is certainly not great (and doing female characters especially is a pain in the rear), but I think the story came out well………………….

Oh……and when you finish the video, I’ll be you’re wondering if there will be a sequel.

That’s for me to know. 😉


27 thoughts on “Ultor and Ruth”

  1. Amazing writing, incredible voice acting, i LOVE the accent you gave my Ultor haha, thanks so much for this dude, made my whole month, you are super talented, wish Ubisoft would hire you for some seasonal stuff

  2. Honestly Raven, I think you need to do more of these, your story writing skills are excellent. I felt so completely immersed within the story I could frankly feel the humidity of the swamp itself, and that happens to me very rarely that a story can pull me in that deep where I can literally see what’s happening as it’s being told.

  3. Awesome! 14 hours between teasing it and bringing out one of the most incredible pieces of for honor lore. You're an incredible writer, and the passion in your work shows.

  4. This was amazing, Raven! I know Ruth is probably one of if not your favorite character from your Legends Series. It'd be really awesome to listen to more short stories you have for her.

  5. Where's the par 2?! For the love of God, release part 2! I am HOOKED in this story. Your writing skills are top tier! I would like to see this story broaden into a series if at all possible. The adventures of Ultor and Ruth, maybe? Just throwing out am idea. Regardless, love this story!

  6. LOVED this Raven. I figured I would mention this as I wonder if it would be something that interests you as a writer. You have written all of these wonderful characters in the For Honor universe, and this is the first time you have taken someone elses character and woven a wonderful story about it. I was curious if you would ever perhaps do something like this with other characters? Whether it be some of your fans or other content creators! Because this is such an awesome video and story!

    Sorry if this made no sense, I have been awake for 25+ hours so I am a bit out of it.


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