[ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 540 (17/8): SYNKIVKA SEMI-ENCIRCLED BY RUSSIAN FORCES; Ukraine Offensive cont

00:00 Intro
00:30 Surface drone strike on Russian Black Sea Fleet
01:30 Kherson Front
01:42 Zaporizhzhia Front (Robotyne)
06:47 Zaporizhzhia Front (Velyka Novosilka)
11:21 Donetsk-Avdiivka Front
13:30 Bakhmut Front
17:35 Russia strikes Mezhova train station
18:07 Siversk Front
19:08 Kreminna Front
19:45 Svatove Front
20:56 Kupyansk Front
23:27 Conclusion + DPA Note

This is the FULL Summary / SITREP of Day 540’s development in the Ukraine-Russia war as we start off the day in the morning (ukraine time) of Day 541 of Russian’s “Special Military Operation” against Ukraine.

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46 thoughts on “[ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 540 (17/8): SYNKIVKA SEMI-ENCIRCLED BY RUSSIAN FORCES; Ukraine Offensive cont”

  1. Is Ukraine bleeding out at Rototyne? Will they have reserves to defend against the coming Russian counter? Will Russia go easy on Ukraine?

  2. Tokmak is far..advances are slow…so are the advances "near Kupyansk", and it would only make some sense, less even than Tokmak, if they can reach and controll Kup'yans'k Vuzlovyi …, the road /bridge Cylikatna , the village and crossing the Oskil with the railroad till cutting the P 79 at Osynovo and Boldyrivika…Senkove-bridge and "Borova" ( Gorotchowaka) would be "at reach"…, and the mouth of the Oskil in the Donets…
    Even more far away for Russia than Melitopol , Volnovakha or Zachativka for the Ukrainans… And both, if they reach "as far" , still don't see the end…
    Better stop playing silly… Is it worth that many, to know if they find realistic countermeasures for Stormshadows or not, and if the Challenger will be still as terrible as in Iraq..?or not? Maybe Great-Britain believes in it and sees a market…
    But, if they can be neutralised, Great Brittain looses a lot.
    But what in hell is the profit of Ukrainans and Russians ? Is London, if Ukraina wins, going to pay pensions to their orphans ans invalidated ? They even can't assist their own poor… Will Russia sell to anyone their temporary avantage, or exploit it elsewhere?
    Bullybully macho's…but, have they another reason than …to show they have balls ? BOTH ?

  3. @5:10 Completely agree. There are so many channels I've had to stop watching because I realized that they were completely disconnected from reality. It extends to mainstream media too – how many 'respected' news outlets were shouting about how Russia was out of men, tanks, bombs, planes, missiles etc. since March of 2022!? Making mistakes is fine, but a constant stream of propaganda and wishful thinking is worse than useless.

  4. Most of your reporting is very good but you’re wrong about Russians covering things up. They have never covered up when a ship got hit. It’s immediately reported in Russian news…which you obviously are unable to read because you don’t know the Russian language. Do you have any evidence of a ship that got hit and Russian MOD covered it up? Concrete evidence not something from Ukraine. Your statement that Ukrainians are still at Antonovsky bridge is also incorrect. They have been dislodged and soldiers are on the run. Some tried to swim across the Donn river and drowned. You don’t seem to have updated and correct information.

  5. You titled one of your videos (538) Russia wipeout Ukraine beachead West of Kozachi Laheri, Kerson.
    But today you say Ukraine is still there, nothing changed. today you are telling us to not trust unreliable sources. I think you need to be careful with your titles of your videos and try to make sure they are not based on Propaganda if you want to be taken seriously as a source of information

  6. .S. intelligence believes Ukraine offensive will fail – WaPo. Officials voiced doubts about the Ukrainian mission in a classified intel report, the contents of which were relayed to the Post on Thursday, with the outlet citing Moscow’s “brutal proficiency” in defending captured territory. The Post report appears to echo recent revelations by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh. In a story published earlier on Thursday, he cited an unnamed US intelligence official who bluntly stated that Ukraine “will not win the war.”

    “The word was getting to [US Secretary of State Antony Blinken] through the [CIA] that the Ukrainian offense was not going to work,” Hersh’s source said. He added that the offensive has merely been “a show by [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky, and there were some in the administration who believed his bulls**t.”

  7. if Russians see from satelites and drones, have bigger artillery firepower, absolut air power, more and better long range balistic, cruise and hipersonic missles and lets say they are equal in ground forces, how the hell are ukrains gonna push thru, this is just draining of ukrain men and technik, news not worth of showing

  8. The Leopard 1 and Abrams could already appear on the battlefield in the winter. Everybody has to keep in mind though that the Leopard 1 tanks are from the 60´s, they are essentially the counterpart to the Soviet T-62. They do not suited to build an attack force, but they could be used close range artillery.

  9. Doesn’t matter if its good news or bad. I always come back here to avoid confirmation bias. Sad that you can’t put short videos back in the report but hey the conclusions at the end provide very good insight. Thanks for your work. 😊

  10. Oh wow, Ukraine is totally winning!! Look all the cheerful support voices from all over the world marching to "Dedolarization"… More and more countries bypassing the Dollar and its sanctions. More and more countries gonna join BRICS.
    But yes, USA, I mean, Ukraine is totally winning.

  11. Two Questions –

    1. How are AFU able to do OTH targeting against Russian fleet?

    2. How are they able to provide real-time video loop control of drones OTH?

    Answers to both questions involve C4ISR capabilities that are not organic to AFU.

  12. what a lot of orcs in this channel dont seem to realize is that Ukraine is able to conduct a major multi front counteroffensive and take territory without much air support, hey orcs where is your air force??? let me guess the supposedly 2nd largest air force in the world cannot seem to destroy the much smaller Ukrainian air force and cant see to achieve air superiority hahahh. The Russian AIR FARCE is probably the most ridiculous air force in the world, heck the Chinese are taking notes and saying shit we actually trained with these guys hahaha that is why the Chinese air force are hiring USA and UK pilots to train them hahahaha. Russian air force pilots are not fit to fly airliners I suggest stick to driving trucks just like that Russian agriculture minister who defected to the USA..hahaha, he smart, he knows what is coming for Russia after this war is over hahahaahh.

  13. Hey and the Russians are fielding T-54s and 55s , from the 50s and 60s, the last time the Russians fielded the T-54 and 55 was the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and wonder why the Russians not fielding Mig-23s and 21s , Soviets built at least 20K of them in the cold war combined. hahah, I predict you will see Russians fielding North Korean tanks copies of T-55, 62 and 72 hahahahah.

  14. Yah as for Kupiansk, too the Rusians one month to capture it, yah the offensive started in July 19 2023. hahaha Russians are going super slow here due to poor logistics, and heavy Ukrainians resistance.

  15. I thought Russian orc bloggers and DPA and History legends were predicted a Russian breakthru at Bakhmut months ago instead we got the Prigozhin march to Moscow hahahaah.


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