UK paratroopers jump into D-Day drop zone to recreate airborne liberation of Normandy 80 years ago

UK paratroopers jump into D-Day drop zone to recreate airborne liberation of Normandy 80 years ago. #dday80 #ww2 #normandy #unitedkingdom

Read more: https://apnews.comโ€‹

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13 thoughts on “UK paratroopers jump into D-Day drop zone to recreate airborne liberation of Normandy 80 years ago”

  1. Hah… AP needs some positive clicks. This leftist news organization is going to get news clicks for covering Veterans who are displaying their parachute drop for D-Day. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. At a time when our world needspeace its no surprise that the WARMONGERING WEST chooses a display of violence and war. Europe is the bloodiest continent in world history. Millions of European soldiers are buried along with allies all over Europe. Apparently Mr Scholz, Sunak, Macron, Biden, Stoltenberg and their puppet masters in the military industrial complex long for more graves of young people used as gun fodder. More statues to violent leaders incapable of understanding that today we're 8 billion precious humans. That the barbaric playbook of the most violent destructive century in history has no place in 2024. Disgusting displays of weapons of slaughter are repulsive. The countless corpses sacrificed all in order to achieve a peaceful coexistence. The US in particular defecates on their grave as it proscecutes endless provoked forever wars and militarism.

  3. A lovely sight! And a greater honour to those who spilled their blood for us who live today. Too many spoiled brats in this world who don't know JACK about life, love, or courage. They think life exists to serve their vanity. This is the class whose only contribution to the world is to one day be food for worms.

  4. Remembering the Allied forces fighting in WWII: The 1st (Polish) Independent Parachute Brigade based in Scotland, a parachute infantry brigade of the Polish Armed Forces in the West under the command of Major General Stanisล‚aw Sosabowski. Originally, the brigade's exclusive mission was to drop into occupied Poland in order to help liberate the country. The British government, however, pressured the Poles into allowing the unit to be used in the Western theatre of war instead.


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