UFO SPOTTED OVER HOLY CITY – “A Modern Day Miracle?!“ | The Proof Is Out There | #Shorts

A resident captures a strange orb hovering over a sacred temple in Jerusalem, in this clip from Season 2, “DOME OF THE ROCK …


43 thoughts on “UFO SPOTTED OVER HOLY CITY – “A Modern Day Miracle?!“ | The Proof Is Out There | #Shorts”

  1. 100 percent fake, cgi. Thus place us the most holy on the planet will have untold official and military cameras and tourists cameras on it YET its only the same clip

  2. … Just checking… To make sure whatever was hidden or kept there, (Holy grail??… Ark of covenant??) is still there!! 😂🤣… They know what weilding excess power, does to us humans!! 😂🤣

  3. What's crazy is this first light ball was filmed by 3 other people all in different parts of the city. The footage all lines up as well. So all 4 truly recorded the same phenomenon at the same time. Also in other videos you can see that after the ball lowers it "beams" something up to it before taking off like a bullet. That's the flash you see from this video. This person was the furthest away.

  4. The orber Oracle Divine entity who got hit it with supreme intelligence came to person non variable Divine energy…SUPERNATURAL GIFT OF UNIVERSE..BLESSID BE THY .

  5. I saw the same one doing the same thing around the same time also in israel 😅but in tel aviv it was orange tho i saw it up close it was flying slow then stopped and hovered in place and turned the light off to let 2 helis that seemed to have noticed him pass by and as soon as they passed it shot away just like in the video my whole world crashed that day cus i saw ripples in reality after it zipped away like it moved a vail or something it was truly unbelievable and i thank god for letting me see this thing and make me patient in life cus i know that theres much more out there we dont know 😊

  6. This was debunked long ago. It was an Israeli film professor and several of his students (hence – multiple angles) who went out and filmed it, then went back and doctored the footage in the studio. Don’t believe everything you see or are told.

  7. According to multiple sources this was a fake done by an Isreali college student as part of a college course project. I believe aliens/ufos are real and here, but i am pretty sure this is fake.

  8. I have seen multiple comments about people who have seen this from multiple sources at multiple angles. So I ask…please one of you send me some links. This is old footage and I have not once ever seen any other angle of this. But everyone else seems to say they have seen it. Or do you all just have the same he said she said syndrome and don’t do any research? All mindless followers.

  9. God used Moses to get deliver our ancestors out of slavery and oppression from Pharaoh in Egypt by parting The Red Sea. This time, God is going to use His Son Jesus Christ and His Angels to deliver us out of the hands of our oppressors here in America by beaming us up into the chariots and flying us back over to our homeland Jerusalem.

    Luke 21:24 (Holy Bible)
    [24]And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

    Revelation 2:9
    [9]I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

    Titus 1:14
    [14]Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

    Revelation 13:10
    [10]He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

    Isaiah 14:2 🛸 🙏🏾🛸🙏🏾🛸🙏🏾🛸🙏🏾🛸
    [2]And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.


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