Tyranids Tactical Tier list!

Learn in this Tactical tier list how the Tyranids are performing during index hammer!


Text Tier List link!


22 thoughts on “Tyranids Tactical Tier list!”

  1. Going to be running a tyranid guard heavy list, hive tyrant with 6 tyrant guard and swarm lord with 6 guard as well running up board, i agree dataslate only they rank low in strength but i think two solid blocks of hive guard sitting on objective dropping 24 indirect shots at 36 inch range with sustained hits or lethal depending on enemy army is good, after playing a few games there’s a lot of sitting on objectives and adapting on the field, so using two units of raveners, the old one eye combo with 2 venom cannon carnifexes did great my first game, sustained hits into elite infantry was nasty killed 4 possessed in overwatch and then wiped the rest with rerollling sustained hits scything talons. And 2 units of raveners for adapting to random card secondaries are incredible as well.

  2. I think this list is mostly good, but I really can't see hive guard in D tier. They seem decent with shockcannons I think. If you can Overwatch, then do it again with Will of the hive mind (not entirely sure if it's possible) . so that's 24 shots on 4's in their turn. That will somewhat reliably kill a gladtior tank or something of a similar statline. I really can't see how that's D tier. their indirect is laugable though, completely pointless. They are a bit tricky to get right, and I may be biased because I like the models… idk. let me hear your thoughts. Edit: I just checked the core rules, and they say no shooting more than once per phase… so no double overwatching an enemy tank :/ big sad.

  3. Great list, but I disagree with the Shadow in the Warp take.
    For me it's like the worst Army Ability in the game.
    Can it be strong in certain cases? Sure.
    But it's absolutely no fun whatsoever to use. It's just a once a game fire and forget thing which is heavily situational, enemy depend and then on top swingy as shit.
    For me it's just a bad, boring and I fun Design for an ability.

  4. I disagree on the swarmlod/tyrant rating. The Tyrant should be higher–it can take an adaptation and it can give you at least 10 free CP per turn (effectively) and up to 20 if he uses the adrenal surge. If you play tactical, you can make up for the Swarmlord's CP ability, and his is only slightly better in CC than a Hive Tyrant. The only real advantage is the psychic attack and the increase in costs for a single strategem.

    The Venomthrope is good, but the most of its bonuses only help units in the 'B' tier category, which makes them also likely hit the 'B' level.

    The gaunts are all almost impossible to keep alive and die after a turn or two, and their regeneration ability is junk. So neurogaunts are the best take, since they're super cheap and can block turn one charges and moves. Any other gaunt is useless, since they'll not do any damage anyway, or not enough before they're dead. Overwatch flamers are a nightmare–only high toughness units can survive. So, if anything, neurogaunts and hormogaunts should have their ratings switched.

    The worst use of Hormogaunts is against Custodes. High toughness infantry means you need 6's to wound, and the sustained hits do nothing to help with this. If we could take lethal hits or sustained hits regardless of keyword at the beginning of a game, it would make these small gaunts a lot more useful.

    Lastly, Tyrant guard should be in 'A'. They slow down the HT, they have less toughness. I have had overspill wounds that were made from Meltas put wounds on the Tyrant that he would not have taken otherwise. They're still better than nothing, but they should have a -1 to the wound roll, or have a toughness that matches their attached character.

  5. Watching this video kinda hurts as someone who just (re)started Tyranids with the Leviathan box. I mean I definitely highly respect the data and the presentation, it's valuable data. But watching it in that context…. feels bad, man. :c

  6. Some great insights here. However, personally I feel the neurogaunts should have been B tier with the neurotyrant. When looking at the unit on its own as you did they're not ideal, but coupled with the nuerotyrant you now have the 150 points you initially mentioned but with a much larger synapse presence available, cheap ablative armour for the tyrant increasing its durability and the tyrant abilities to grant synapse to units within 12 is from the unit, which now includes the gaunts giving an even bigger potential area to use it. You scored the tyrant guard considering their protective abilities but not the nuerogaunts abilities when paired with the nuerotyrant which is their selling point for me

  7. I'm kind of surprised that the numerous little changes to the Parasite of Mortex's infection ability weren't mentioned.
    Not only does it spawn more ripper swarms on average, it spawns them immediately and it spawns them in engagement range, so they can fight that fught phase, rather than spawning a single ripper swarm in the enemys turn outside of engagement range.
    If you're proactive with it, I think the Parasite will more than make up his points in free rippers and dead enemy infantry.

  8. Have you actually played with a Sporocyst? This is the unit everyone looks over (since the spore mine nerf in 9) and it is actually quite good for board control and as soon as your opponent realize that, it will attract enough firepower to allow your Tyranofex to live an extra turn. By themselves, the mucolic spores are at least B tier if not A because they are the best protection against T1 advance & charge or any other super fast units since they have to stop as soon as they get within 6".

  9. I m always shocked to hear when ppl shit on the looks of the Neurogaunts. I think they look awesome! Sure their role isn´t super importent but looks wise i think they are super cool! If i would make up some stats about them. I would make them Warrior big. Unit of 6 for 240pts M7 T7 SV3 W2 LD7 OC2 4+FNP and each of them would have A4 WS3 S7 AP-2 D2 So they would basically be an upgraded version of Melee Warriors. I´d easily get 18 of them.


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