Tung On Gang Complete History – NYC Chinatown | Asian Gangs 80s/90s

Full timeline of the Chinese-American gang Tung On from NYCS Chinatown during the 1980s and 1990s. One of the many Asian gangs from NYC in the old days like the Flying Dragons, Ghost Shadows, BTK, Fuk Ching etc.

clip credit:
1)YT: Vinmoonsu
2)YT: Chinatown Gang Stories
3)YT: NewzReels1


32 thoughts on “Tung On Gang Complete History – NYC Chinatown | Asian Gangs 80s/90s”

  1. Bring back many many stories back then . I was fortunate staying alive while all shits happening during my teenage years growing up in Chinatown. Saw many bloods and tears from friends and families members who lost theirs child. Never talk about to my parents and my children today. All these happened some I knew are my street friends. Some are innocent and some want a name for himself. History past will stay with this generation . The next generation couldn’t careless. Just give me my iPhone 20. Everything is right there.

  2. Reminds me of 14K, Sing Wo and Sun Yee On. Stop chinese this and that. They are Cantonese, Vietnamese and some Taiwanese. The world lack representation for these particular races and culture but stuff everything as Chinese. To be precise, all Chinatown should rename it to Cantonese town.

  3. 4:26
    rape, robbery, abduction and weapons charges did not result in ANY jail time? HTF did that happen?…in America too, the world's capital of excessive and draconian sentencing practices !
    things must have been very different in the times before they came up with that 'zero tolerance' bullshit * that they used to justify the mass incarceration of citizens for profit that continues to this day.
    More and longer prison sentences = more and larger handouts to the shareholders of prison corporations… a guaranteed outcome of the despicable 'three strikes and you're caged until you die' policy , another brainchild of the 'dubya dunce' era.

    * it's bullshit because it was used to make up for (and conveniently disguise) the significant drop in crime (especially those typical of young men) that occurred throughout the 'west' as a direct result of the birth control pill that came to market approx 18 years earlier…the introduction of this product ensured far far fewer kids would have their life chances all but destroyed simply from being unlucky enough to be born into desperate/deprived /dysfunctional/unstable/abusive/violent/even horrific circumstances.
    Unsurprisingly, such kids have an exponentially greater risk of addiction, committing offences, mental illness, going to jail etc etc than kids not surrounded by that often ruinous shit during their most important/formative years.
    That's no secret, and it wasn't back then either but it doesn't fit the 'personal responsibility' bullshit used (from 1980) to justify locking up millions of damaged/disturbed kids for years/ decades…a policy adored by those politicians who steal a living eating out on the 'law & order' ticket… and other psychopathic parasites who profit from the wicked and ongoing policy of entrenching mass human misery and despair…on youngsters that we, AS A SOCIETY, have already FAILED terribly!
    Where's the call from supposed lovers of 'law & order' for us to take 'personal responsibility' for THAT failure? …tumbleweed.

  4. I would like to set the record straight about what happened at Golden Star Bar at East Broadway.
    Allow me to introduce a prologue. Ultimately, Chinese gangs victimized their own kind but it was not always the case. The heads started getting greedier and I can speak to my experience, this piece of crap, ah Chung or worm, don’t know his real name. He sent the kids out to rob gambling house, extort and bring all the money and goods back to him. He said he would hold the money to use for bailing out anyone who got arrested. That piece of scum kept it for himself.
    He was ultimately in charge of the White Tigers because our respected leader got arrested.
    That night at Golden Star, was predominately the White Tigers, there were some young kids from another gang but I can’t remember now. I had just left.
    They ended up killing Irving Wu and Michael Sun our leaders, a kid from another gang and injuring a bunch others. Everyone knows that the rival gang, the Flying Dragons did this, they used their murderous Vietnamese kids to do it, because they didn’t have the guts to do it themselves.
    Murder has no statute of limitations, but nobody will ever pay for this, but karma is a bitch. And as for that slimey worm, he took all that money and left. He left his kids in the hospital!!
    So that’s what happened.

  5. I wonder if these Triad gangs still exist, will there still be any Asian attack in present day with the Asian hate rising in US? I recall gangs was there to be for protecting their own people even if they might extort them once in a while.

  6. Tong On didn’t die, they just evolved and became part of Sun Yee On, which to this day, operates worldwide, but stays deep in the shadows, unlike 14k. The name itself is key actually, as Tong On means it’s an association under the hand of On.


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