Donald Trump is asked what his relationship with God is and short answer, he doesn’t have one.

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47 thoughts on “Trump’s WEIRD Grift EXPOSES What he TRULY WANTS”

  1. 😂 So I think it’s good naw tRump your lifestyle lets any real followers of Christ knows you are in trouble.👿 Evangelicals would pray for the Anti-Christ they are so far gone.😂

  2. "Faith" is required to "Believe in Lies" and that is why Cults demand "Faithfulness" to maintain Power & Control over their Subjects and Christian Cults are Worst. It was not muslims who attacked our capitol, overthrowing our government and Forcing their Theocratic Fascism on everyone!

  3. This guy couldn't even recite one of his own wedding vows. Not that he believes in them either. 0:40 He couldn't tell them that he was shocked a Bible didn't burst into flames every time he touched one. 0:44 It involves a goat's skull and a pentagram… 3:56 Its the same thing priests thought when they rewrote the bible. Because they had so little faith in humanity.

  4. Brando l agree everything you say about Donald Trump it's just a shame that you distanced your relationship with God as you got older, what you do and how you do it, and l know deep down inside you you do have some kind of relationship with God, l just know it.Kerp up the good work Brando and lets keep Trump accountable accountable for his actions.. take care Brando 😊

  5. I'm not a Christian anymore, but my favorite verses are Galatians Ch 5 verse 13-15, which basically says to get along with everyone regardless of what they believe, with a warning of what could happen if you don't. If you're tearing at each other's throats, where are your freedoms?

  6. I think it’s odd Dump doesn’t come up with a lie about this topic. He’ll lie, cheat and steal about everything else. He could take 10 mins to come up with a few slogans to repeat and be done with it.

  7. It annoys me that many Christians believe there were no morality prior to the Bible. There were plenty of civilized societies prior to the Bible; co-existing in peace with your neighbor was a basic tenant of having a society! If there were no moral codes, enforced or otherwise, we would have never made it! Greek and Roman moral philosophies pre-date the Bible, especially Stoicism (the real form of it, not the misguided man-o-sphere version) which has tenants akin to Christianity… without all the "you shall have no other God before me" rhetoric. One of my favorites is (soldier, emperor, philosopher) Marcus Aurelius who said (roughly): "“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”

  8. With Christians now its a case by case basis when it comes to respect now. If all you do is open your mouth and speak, but your actions don't match your words, it's a pretty clear sign that I shouldn't take you seriously

  9. My husband grew up in the church and his father was even a pastor. He immediately knew Trump being any kind of actual Christian was complete BS when he saw this clip yesterday because he never even answered the question. In fact, for me, it was when he was asked about if he was an Old Testament or New Testament believer and he said he was 50/50, and I wasn't even raised in a practicing household. I don't know how any of his religious supporters can talk about how much he loves Jesus.

  10. -Meanwhile, 7 days ago Biden allows Ukraine to hit some targets in Russia with US weapons. Until now, Mr. Biden has flatly refused to let Ukraine use American-made weapons outside of Ukrainian borders, no matter what the provocation, saying that any attack on Russian territory risked violating his mandate to “avoid World War III.” Now all of a sudden, that doesn't mean anything anymore… So, when your kids are getting ready to be deployed to fight WW-III with Russia tell them exactly why YOU voted for President Dementia.

  11. if the only reason you have to behave well, is the fear of divine retribution, by all means, keep fearing that, but know you have the morality of a toddler. You're nothing more than a small child, fearful of the time when Daddy comes home from work and you have to fess up to braking the lamp…..

    Behaving well when you know others are watching, is nothing more than good manners and you do it to appear better in their eyes. Behaving well when you think no one is looking, no reward expected or asked, that is true character. you do it because if everyone did it, society would be a much better place.

    In all those studies about game theory and sharing and altruism in games, trump is the guy who choses the "selfish" option every time. For him, EVERYTHING is done with the question "how does trump benefit?" if there's no benefit, he won't do it….when there is a benefit, he does the minimal amount required.

  12. I am not religious, but I don’t pretend to be to impress others. I respect the rights of others to believe whatever they want and I want the same from them. His words mean nothing, his behavior says it all.

  13. The DiaperDon Passage
    2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
    New Living Translation
    9 This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. 10 He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. 11 So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. 12 Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth

  14. Same here on "losing my religion". The fear of being "wrong" and going to Hell is what keep most in servitude fearing the unknown. To each his own as long as it doesn't infringe on others but no longer seeing ANY logic in religion has been liberating to my own soul and inner peace. I'm now convinced more than ever that most "religions" are nothing more than a control mechanism that was designed to instill fear or claim anything unknown to man was somehow proof of a creator.

  15. Well Tennessee, You can believe in God, & Still go to Hell. . Many will be in front of Him saying. In Your name we healed the sick, Cast out demons. & did all manner of miracles . & He will reply. Depart from me. You worker's of Antiquity . I Never Knew You.

  16. It doesn’t say it was a ‘ snake literally so.. I would move and get someone who gives you the parables and tell YOU to study, maybe spend time as a Sunday school teacher so you have a specific chapter to study & study hard because you’ll get those questions from adults during morning class. My favorite part is all my family goes together and discusses how good the sermon was and talks about deeper study at the table together.

  17. I had the same struggles with religion as you, Brando. I grew up in a Pentecostal church and just thought I don't want to follow something simply because it was handed to me by family tradition. it seemed stupid to fake belief you really didn't have to fit in or get a ticket to a mythical afterlife. i was taught god knew all my thoughts so if that were so then who besides people am i foolin' if i really don't believe. also, i am honest to a fault with my opinions so i would never be a good faker.

  18. With all the scams that Trump has committed, I haven't heard anybody talk about the possibility that the 30+ million raised immediately after the trial, possibly is also a scam. 🤔

    I don't know if it's true.  But, am I the only one who suspects that this could also be a fraudulent claim??? Huh?

    I don't think it's out of the realm to suspect that Trump's campaign would make it look like he raised more money than he did, right after the verdict, even if it's not true…

    It's not like it's above them, because Trump's life has been lived through grifts and Fraud!💰

    Claiming the felon raised more money than he actually did, could make Trump support optics look bigger and better than it really is…  🤑

    I just don't think anyone has proof or anything. However, sadly it wouldn't surprise me though.

    I don't know what's worse.. Making the alleged false claims or scamming  the 'little people' out of their money. 🤔

    I guess I have become more of a conspiracy theorist, thanks to our former Felon-in-Chief!!! 😉

  19. “They push people into subways”! What! Of ALL the terrible things people do in this world and he comes up with that! Apart from the fact that particular sentence makes no sense! Sad to say, but that actually made me laugh!


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