Trump's Shadow Looms Over Midterm Primaries

NBC News’ Steve Kornacki joins Morning Joe to break down the key Senate races to watch.

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28 thoughts on “Trump's Shadow Looms Over Midterm Primaries”

  1. Another he said she said report hit job on Trump. You radical left media and Demorats have zero integrity. You have no balls to run fair and square, and know he will win the next election. Everyday, Every minute is lets get the devil Trump, and silence half of America. Good luck with that !

  2. Tomorrow is Tuesday everybody go out and vote primary Democrat please vote go out and lock people's door and make sure they vote for Democratic primaries please everybody wake up go out and vote for Democratic primary Democrat

  3. Vote: TRUMP… The more MSBNC throws out fake news, the more Trump will win.

    The democrats are just a modern day Nazis regime. Lets report on P Pelosi's drink drive arrest and Nancy's very illegal insider trading deals*

  4. Trump's father, Fred Trump, was arrested on Memorial Day in 1927 at a Ku Klux Klan rally when about 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through Queens. Fred Trump was 23. He was one of seven men arrested at the rally. Donald Trump has always denied that fact, but Trump always denies facts about himself. Trump also denied his support of David Duke whose a Klan leader in 2016. Duke said in a video uploaded on Twitter “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.”

    Those are the pure facts that can be searched on the Internet. Another event was the Unite the Front rally in Charlottesville, Virginia when Heather Heyer was ran over by a white supremist because she supported black Americans. Trump said that the Unite the Front people were "Fine people".

    Come November of this year, do you support Democracy or Trumpocracy full of hatred, division, supporting white supremacy, deep lies, attacks on poll workers and attacks on law enforcement. I will always support all types of law enforcement despite what most Republicans do and Trump.

  5. So how much longer are they going to keep trying to dig up dirt on the same guy they impeached for doing the same thing. It’s not even election time but if y’all keep digging deep enough you may find China. 🤭

  6. American 🇺🇸!!!!
    We must review each state’s in our nation.!!!!
    Remember if We The People don’t request fair and fair in our Great country this will corruption in voting in many ways!!!!!
    Ask yourself as mature and educated parents do we really want our children to follow this outcome I’m not being fair and balance cross the board which should be an applied in every walk of life to every human being in this country!!!!!
    God bless Us All.!!!

  7. MSNBC spreading more propaganda and misinformation,,it seems to attract all the Democrat Twitter trolls., But nobody else,, millions of Americans know what they're doing.. that's why they're dead last in the ratings,, with a lower approval rating then Joe Biden…

  8. 🇺🇸💙Vote blue this November!!!💙🇺🇸
    In effort to overreach the Supreme Court has awaken a sleeping giant!!! … it is obvious that the SC is absolutely out of touch with the millennials( bearing age) and the power of social media! They will find out in November! …

  9. Communism enslaves men by force. Socialism enslaves men by voting. Do you know what you are doing? There are going to be 71 politicians indicted for violating Federal Law. Happy day for me when America can plainly see that you are supporting Globalists who have stolen from Americans starting with the Federal Reserve and unlawfully taxing Americans. You and Biden are the enemies of this country. Soon you will have nowhere to hide. Hopefully, you will go to jail for your crimes.

  10. 💙💙Voting Straight Blue ! The past couple of years I have learned I will never believe one word a republican says. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! 💙💙

  11. Red Wave is turning into the REDASS for MAGAts.
    Vote BLUE in Roevember '22, save our democratic Republic, woman's right to healthcare, rights to love and marry who you want. Vote in numbers too big to rig and too real to steal.
    And — Democrats are finally not bring dove feathers to a gunfight.
    They GET it!
    Hope you do, too


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